Huh? I dont get it, please explain.
Posts by Ellie
Tastes like chicken
by peacefulpete inhave we heard the true story?
my exhaustive research has revealed an unthinkable chapter in jesus ministry.....cannibalism.. john 12:2.
1(a)jesus, therefore, six days before (b)the passover, came to (c)bethany where lazarus was, whom jesus had raised from the dead.
Best, worst and weirdest assembly halls...
by Jamelle ina recent thread about the experience of attending the 1969 convention as a young child really started me thinking.
i have several fuzzy memories of assemblies i attended as very young child.
this got me onto the track of the rather odd, uncomfortable or even really cool buildings i have visited over the years as a result of those conventions.. so my questions to everyone are:.
The football ground one was pretty cool, I think it was Manchester City, maybe someone can confirm that.
The assembly hall in Manchester is really ugly, it has these circular things on the wall, and wierd tubing kind of thing on the stage, it definately could do with a make over.
I once went to an assembly, I don't know where, I was only about 6, it was an amphitheatre with really steep steps, and it was so hot, not the best day I've ever had.
Say hello to the new guy
by osmosis ini found this web site while researching jws (my immediate family on my dad's side is jw, except for my dad, who was subjected to the programming from birth, and who seems to be caught in some strange world between the jw world and the real one).. for the most part, these are decent, kind, loving people.
the only problem is that they are jws!.
i myself am atheist, so in theory i should them to be atheist also, but i'd gladly settle for steering them into a different form of christianity.. anything but jw.
hello Robert, welcome to the forum.
Fried chicken & and slice of white bread
by MissBehave inanother thread today made me think of this....does it bring back memories for anyone else?
it was the staple food of every assembly i remember.
they made them in the morning and by lunch time the bread had absorbed all the grease from the chicken.
When I was a kid I actually used to look forward to assemblies because for lunch we always had chicken and stuffing roles, they tasted so good, I don't know why but they never tasted that good anywhere else.
Bible Studies that left the JWs before baptism
by greendawn inmany persons studying with the jws go ahead and get baptised, but many others do not, do you know such ppl and the reasons they gave for stopping contact with the jws?
they did of course the right thing and spared themselves a lot of potential trouble and exploitation in the future.
a person i knew gave up all contact with the dubs after a year of studying with them, because she found them to be too pharisaic they put a lot of demands on the members but don't do anything to help them, like modern day pharisees.
I sort of fall into this category, I was brought up a witness till I was about 11, then my dad was disfellowshipped and my mum disassociated herself, but since then I've studied on and off for years, but I was actually dumped by the woman who was last studying with me, she must have just lost interest, I was even going to most meetings and assemblies, but one day I cancelled my study because I was sick, and then she never bothered to contact me again, I went around to her housea few times and she was not very welcoming, I don't know what happened there, but shes a devout witness, not like she was trying to fade or anything (shes my half sister too by the way).
What would you vote for the world to lose?
by John Doe inokay, no silly mushy crap like hate, violence, stupefying religious dogma, or child hunger, i want a real vote.
i vote for canadian proctologists.
I vote for Burberry baseball caps and all those who wear them.
recipe needed
by Ellie in.
can anyone help please?.
i want to make a lamb casserole at the weekend, i have searched the internet for a recipe but can't find anything that looks easy and tasty..
Thanks guys, I'll be sure to look them up.
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
Hi Beezknees, I don't envy your situation one bit, it must be very difficult for you.
Do you need to tell your parents right now?
Could you not just continue to fade until they ask you, maybe they already know, if its been over a year then they must have an incling.
As foryour children, if they have been away from meetings for over a year then they have likely forgotten a lot of things, for them to be around 'worldly' children with only a small JW influence, must be helping them to adjust, maybe you could just have a casual chat with them, explain things that you don't want to go back to the kingdom hall and ask if they would like to have easter eggs this year (if your husband would be willing).
As for how I felt on leaving, well even now I'm still quite confused, some days I even think I've made a mistake, but I like to think how much happier my children are not going to all those meetings, its nice being able to enjoy time with them without rushing back and to to the kingdom hall.
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
Hi Hazeljane and Beezknees too.
recipe needed
by Ellie in.
can anyone help please?.
i want to make a lamb casserole at the weekend, i have searched the internet for a recipe but can't find anything that looks easy and tasty..
Can anyone help please?
I want to make a lamb casserole at the weekend, I have searched the internet for a recipe but can't find anything that looks easy and tasty.