Hi Flower,
I think you are making a very good point and this is something I am struggling with.
I feel hurt and quite angry towards them because they are disowning me, but I don't want to let my own feelings get in the way and influence my decision on whether my daughter should see her family, I might have issues with the way they treat me but they are still her family and she deserves to have them in her life.
However, I am going to take practically everybodys advice here and insist that I am present when they see her, that way I can stop the risk of them trying to teach her about their beliefs.
I know that I can't predict the future and so I don't know if they would try to indoctrinate her or turn her against me but its better to be safe than sorry, also as there are always different congregation members around who I do not know I have to think about the posibility of abuse, I would not let her go into the home of a stranger and stay over night so while I am not accusing any of my family members or their friends of child abuse I have to asume it is a possibility and protect her.
I have come to the decision that she can see them on my terms, and that is that either myself or my partner are present and that she recieves no bible studies.
Thanks to everyone who has replied.