I have had numerous come on's from married JW sleazy sluts.Not interested in a 'good time' just twisted abuse to get me in trouble and get attention.
I love Woman no offense to the gender.
The JW men are slime too.
during your time as a jw were there any instances where other jws of the opposite sex young or old, attempted to sexually seduce you?
I have had numerous come on's from married JW sleazy sluts.Not interested in a 'good time' just twisted abuse to get me in trouble and get attention.
I love Woman no offense to the gender.
The JW men are slime too.
weary, maimed by surgery and facing years in jail the long ...
times online, uk - 39 minutes ago .
... maimed by countless sessions with plastic surgeons, prison would be an almost biblical end to the tale of michael joseph jackson, the poor jehovahs witness ...
Weary, maimed by surgery and facing years in jail – the long ...
Times Online, UK - 39 minutes ago
... maimed by countless sessions with plastic surgeons, prison would be an almost biblical end to the tale of Michael Joseph Jackson, the poor Jehovah’s Witness ...
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MJ/JW and Impeccable British candor gotta love it |
MJ and I are the same age,raised dysfunctional Jehovah Witness,both sexually repressed because of JW.I can identify BIG time.
The similarity ends there.I feel sorry for him although it would serve my agenda if he is convicted as his Jdub profile would be exposed and examined.
Any dub apologist who say's he isn't wacko because of the Watchtower is just plain wrong.
Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA
i was recently talking to a girl in my psychology class who told me that she use to be a jw and was df'd in the mid 1990's.
this girl shocked me because usually ex-jws are so unhappy and miserable and spend most of their time complaining about the "evil" wt society.
she told me that when she was df'd alot of ex-jws swarmed towards her trying to get her to "bash" the wt but she refused.
Well living is the best revenge and I gloat that I kill the enemy besides
There are a whole lotta Jdub perpetrators out there,that i've gone after that are squirming
A google search of my name shows :
Results 1 - 40 of about 38,500 for " Danny Haszard - 0.33 sec. ( About this page )
"ground pass" to watchtower harlotry!
it is quite interesting to note, that even the criteria for getting a ground pass at the united nations might be easier said than done!
when i read barbara andersons description of the ground pass that had been issued to watchtower representative ciro aulicino, i decided to check and see if i could find the criteria for receiving such a special pass.
... 'Ground Pass' To Watchtower Harlotry! Jehovah's Witnesses cover up involvement with 'wild beast' Distribution Source ...
i was recently talking to a girl in my psychology class who told me that she use to be a jw and was df'd in the mid 1990's.
this girl shocked me because usually ex-jws are so unhappy and miserable and spend most of their time complaining about the "evil" wt society.
she told me that when she was df'd alot of ex-jws swarmed towards her trying to get her to "bash" the wt but she refused.
Some of us get paid to bash or in my case an investment,giving the watchtower cult a run for it's money.Eventually my investment will pay big when the Watchtower is forced to settle my damage claims for compensation and restitution. Meanwhile miserable dreams dashed devout Jehovah's Witnesses are growing old and dying and the ones who have died are all still dead.
researchers at the max planck institute have wrapped up the largest supercomputer simulation ever to study the growth of galaxies and black holes.
using 25 terabytes of data, and crunching it for a month, they have produced, among other things, a computer animation that allows you to fly 2.4 billion light years through the universe in about two minutes.. the bright spots in the movies are galaxies.
seeing this movie makes it seem highly dubious that we are the only life in the universe.. the article contains links to three movies.
I luv physics especially astrophysics and particle physics.
Reg;UFOs and space aliens.Science fiction flicks have us conditioned to ET's who are more advanced than us by a couple of hundred years or so. Think about this....What if they were advanced,not by a few centuries but by a million years?Well,if Heaven exist their 'civilization' would be BILLIONS of years more advanced,and superhuman to begin with.They could have a multi-dimensional database,and could have unlimited (omnipotent) abilities.Raising the dead would be a walk in the park for them. The only database that we have on them is 2,000 years old delivered to a simple pastoral people.The Bible wasn't written for the Harvard alumni. Blind me with science baby, Danny Haszard retired carpenter with a 7th grade (JW/1975) education
my little sister (not a jw) forwarded me some pictures of my brothers 2 kids (jw and fanatically shuns me).
i would not have recognized them on the street.
just when you think you can't hurt anymore...something is always thrown in your face.
Your not alone my dear you have my empathy http://www.dannyhaszard.com/my_family.htm I haven't seen my family for 15 years don't know who is dead or alive.
God will damn the wicked watchtower and it's demonic leaders.
i never see any references by anyone to paul blizzard's website, watch the tower.
i was wondering what people think of him?
He is a comrade after my own heart.
well the 2005 us convention season gets rolling in a couple weeks, lasting until september.
check out the schedule at:.
This thread for info http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/90933/1.ashx Danny Haszard press release king somebody please take my crown
in regards to the following letter, that mad apostate posted last week: .
to whom it may concern: .
your harassing inquiries into our personal affairs are not welcomed, and any further attempts at such will result in legal action against the individual harassers, the --city--, --state-- congregation of jehovah's witnesses, the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc., the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses, inc., and all associated watchower legal entities.
Mulan I love this thread
Never ever be intimidated by Watchtower flunky legal bimbos,they are scared s**tless of court action.
Because they know they can't fool a worldly jury of 12 normal folks.
Remember the Jury pool are taken from the tainted field service 'territory' who already know that Jehovah's Witnesses s**k.