Kwin good to go bravo mate,would you like me to post at my page?
email [email protected]
It will stay up forever.
kwin can be seen here.. the file size is 407kb.
actual footage time is around a minute.
Kwin good to go bravo mate,would you like me to post at my page?
email [email protected]
It will stay up forever.
one thing you can say about the leaders of the watchtower----they simply do as they please.
whenever they want to make up a new rule to impose upon the helpless "sheep", they simply tell you this is how it is from now on.
for example you could've been a witness and at the same time been a smoker, but in the early 70's, "new light" said that those who smoked actually were involved with the demons!
[Romans 2 14] "Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,"
The above text is a Biblical description of the,"godless barbarians".
What is this 'law unto themselves'? It's what anthropologist( scientist who study human culture) call the (4) four universal taboos.They are:
(1) The 'doctrine of self preservation',simply put wanting to stay alive.
(2) Need for food and shelter
(3) Sex drive (procreation)
(4) Incest taboo( you don't procreate with your blood kin, messes up the gene pool).
All humans have these pre-programed instincts.No matter who/what/where you may be, you instinctively "know better" not to do naughty stuff..
All lucid beings then,have a built in 'conscience' to know good from bad.The pagan Barbarian's "code of conduct" is to be honorable
humanitarians.EXCEPTION: the psychopaths : psychopaths {Egotist)
[1] The Greatest Commandment : [ Matthew 22:34-40 34]Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
[2] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[3] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these """ two""" commandments."
The prehistoric 'caveman' had only FOUR rules in his life.Along comes Jesus Christ who say's there only only TWO rules in life. The Watchtower Borganization on the other hand has rules up the ass....
Rules for Christian Living (Faith vs. Works)
one thing you can say about the leaders of the watchtower----they simply do as they please.
whenever they want to make up a new rule to impose upon the helpless "sheep", they simply tell you this is how it is from now on.
for example you could've been a witness and at the same time been a smoker, but in the early 70's, "new light" said that those who smoked actually were involved with the demons!
The truth doesn't change. Any Witness with a brain should know that they are not supposed to believe in half truths
Their main charge against opposers is it's apostate 'half truths'.
Does this mean that only one-half of Jesus returned to power in 1914?
Is that like being a little preganant?
Perplexing indeed....
{Hey,i sound like an Elder mealy-mouthing}
one thing you can say about the leaders of the watchtower----they simply do as they please.
whenever they want to make up a new rule to impose upon the helpless "sheep", they simply tell you this is how it is from now on.
for example you could've been a witness and at the same time been a smoker, but in the early 70's, "new light" said that those who smoked actually were involved with the demons!
firpo carr argues that while many white apostates claim to highlight so-called 'racist' remarks and terminology in the watchtower literature, most such apostates are in fact white and have little real interest in black issues.
they are only interested in the issue in so far as they can use it to promote white anti-witness propaganda, whereas a high percentage of loyal witnesses are black.
i know that all the terms of my topic are debatable: apostacy is a witness term of derogation; apostates probably are mostly liberal and not racist (essentially); and they are not a 'movement' in any case.
Dedicated to my
family members
, nieces and nephew
Lauren, Ashley and Kevin Haszard
that have gone missing in the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,but not their own facts".D.M.
Watchtower Whistleblower: Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult!
at one of the last bookstudies i ever attended i heard a comment that really struck home to me how desperate these people really are getting, to the edge of insanity.
an older woman commented, "you can tell the end is coming.. its in the air.. you can feel it.. there is something in the air.. times are just.. different" and the whole time she was manically glancing around the room.
the conductor agreed with her.
"The anguish and the agony of having to renounce the life long CONVICTIONS of my HEART....
...the soul rape surreal sudden impact horror to accept that my dreams are dashed and it was all a LIE
Yes,it was all fraud in the name of God!"
I Testify as Witness of the Watchtower's Holocaust
Daniel Haszard Bangor Maine
{ I am pissed }
i have had a rash of jws on this board leaving comments in my inbox telling me how mislead i am.
but what amazes me not one of them yet will analyze the facts with me.
a real discussion means nothing to them.
This is up at the google news wire for the whole world to see. Dumb dubs are our best advocates.I understand why the WT headquarters doesn't want their followers free-lancing on the internet ------------------------------------------------
Home: Society: Jehovah's Witnesses Slandered Unjustly Yet Again |
Jehovah's Witnesses Slandered Unjustly Yet AgainAdded : ( May 2005 ) ?I would like to respond to your biblically uneducated Tim Gibbon |
i have had a rash of jws on this board leaving comments in my inbox telling me how mislead i am.
but what amazes me not one of them yet will analyze the facts with me.
a real discussion means nothing to them.
Yahoo Results 1 - 40 of about 35,500 for " Danny haszard
I post in THOUSANDS of locations using my real identity.
They are arrogant and ruthless egotist,a classic cult of arrogant supremacy,{e.g.master race nazis}
My devout JW maternal grandmother was just like that 50 years ago.They are that way everywhere,transcending all generations geographical locations and timelines.
Two Bible passages come to mind 2Corn 11:14 "angels of light" and Matt 7:15 'wolves in sheep's clothing"
Tell me about it................
i was thinking this weekend.. how will sewage treatment be handled in the new system?
i assume mature brothers will be assigned the privilege of working at sewer treatment plants for shifts of 1000 years or so.
On a serious note;
Estimates are as high as 40% of the land area in the usa will not "perc" meaning it won't pass the required percolation seepage test.Too hard or too wet.
This drives up the cost of buildable property for homes and is a BIG element for high rents and homelessness.
Often the cost of your septic system can be more the the new house.
Our present method of waste disposal is sub -surface with high volumes of discharge effulent (water)
They are strict,here in the woods of Maine you don't even need to pull a building permit or need licensed sub contractors.The State demands you have a proper septic or they can put you in jail.The reason is you are not allowed to pollute your neighbors well.
As a life-long builder/contractor i know that getting an approved septic system is a major worry.
Solve this engineering limitation and you could be rich.'s witnesses - who are they and what do they believe?.
unlike in the case of christians who are persecuted in other lands for talking about jesus christ, jehovah's witnesses are largely persecuted for following the teachings of their corporate headquarters.
the deadbeat watchtower corporation pays no municipal taxes on their buildings, without even one charity to compensate the community.
The time has come,it's all apostate news all the time now
A popular script the WT loved to hurl at "apostate Babylon the great" during the Rutherford years "Thou hath sowned thy wind and now ye shall reap thy whirlwind"
Don't ya just love it?Cheers,Daniel Haszard Bangor Maine in their face in cyberspace