When our kingdom hall was being refurbished/rebuilt last summer, a couple of white brothers came.
One of them was VERY arrogant and chose to use vocabulary words that would go over someone who didnt have a college education(However, he tended to use them wrongly in every sentence he spewed out). The other brothers with him were pretty cool.
I'm not sure I can say that he was exactly a racist/ a bigot. But he's the closests that i've ever seen.
I dont doubt that there is prejudice in the orgo, i mean, I can be quite prejudiced against even my own people, but i doubt that there is out right racism.
ONe thing i will say is how during the civil rights era, the WTS refused to take part in the social movement to end segregation(find it in the quotes site). Was this in a way fueling prejudice back then?
Posts by Dune
by stillAwitness inthis article entitled :jws, blacks and discrimination emailed to me from an "inactive" friend of mine.
i don't know wether to be hurt or just plain pissed.
my question is has anyone read or seen any hints of racism amongst the wt even nowadays?
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #153 What did you look at first?
by ozziepost insorry we're a bit late for the downunder mob, but you in the regions of the northern hemisphere may still be enjoying your weekend.. misspeaches: you could read this when you get to work in the morning, eh?
anyway, as promised in an earlier thread, it'd be amusing to compare notes on this one:.
what part of the magazines did you look at first?.
First, i always look at the Watching the world. I always liked the pictures when i was little. Then i scan the table of contents page to see if there is a "young Peoples ask" segment. Lastly i look at the "comments from our readers" section. I never read an awake front to back. I only pick out those three parts and if i find an article thats interesting i'll read it.
Flying High Now - A Mason??
by Aude_Sapere in.
i've heard it rumoured that flying high now has roots in masonry.. ask her for details.. -aude.
(meaning: dare to know; dare to have wisdom/understanding)
Will someone PLEASE explain what Masons are and why they are so bad?
last night in toronto
by telltruth inhappy saturday everyone.
last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well.
something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved.
Never been to canada. But i think i'll take a road trip with a couple of friends soon.
An interesting "paranormal" experience, that was actually "normal"
by AlmostAtheist inso last night i was in the basement.
it was dark, just the light in the crawl space was on.
i happened to see something moving out of the corner of my eye, so i turned.
Stand to the side of a light source, position yourself in front of a mirror. Raise your hand and move it back and forth in relation to your body. If you look in the mirror, The shadow that is made behind you makes it seem like teh shadow has a life of its own...weird.
What gets me is when elders talk about the clergy doing it, it really just irritates me.
A waste of life?
by Dune inso i was wondering.
do you guys think that all the time you were witnesses, was it wasted life?
as some of you may know, i'm still going to meetings and all the good stuff.
So i was wondering. Do you guys think that all the time you were witnesses, was it wasted life?
As some of you may know, i'm still going to meetings and all the good stuff. However, a non-witness friend and I have an inside joke about How when I die, God is going to be standing there laughing in my face. About what? Well, as a witness you give up on lots of things. I happened to have gotten baptized at 11/12 and I'm almost 20. Anyway, I'm beginning to feel that those years were stolen from me.
Granted, my life isnt bad. While i've been dealt a few bad hands, I dont think I could compare myself to those who have it the worse in life.
But i was wondering, do some of you veterans (and i guess newly left people) feel that your lives have been wasted irrevocably. I always thought that maybe i'll be reincarnated and i'd be given a better, more fullfilling life next time. Or maybe once i get the train moving and just up and leave i can start from scratch. Anyway, what do you guys think? -
W.T January 1, 2006
by Diogenes injust reading through the january 1st w.t 2006. the first study article (starting on page 20) "how firm is your trust in god?
" has another dig at higher education.. paragraph 7.
"anyone who does not trust firmly in jehovah might think differently.the majority of humans view material wealth as a major key to security.hence, parents have encouraged their offspring to invest much of their young adulthood in higher education, hoping that it will prepare them for well-paying careers.sadly some christian families have found the cost of such an investment to be very high, as their children have lost spiritual focus and turned to pursuing materialistic goals".
Thats one of a couple of reasons i dont want to just up and leave the congo right now. I feel that if i leave, it will give the elders in my hall leverage against all those that are in college or planning to attend.
Sure i'll be leaving soon afterwards, but then they cant say that it was because i was in college.
I've always hated it when they use the term "higher Education", by doing this, they make it seem that the people who are taking part in this are all arrogant and haughty. Or as if they are making a mockery of it.
Anyway, what i WILL say about college is that it does make you think. I makes you realize the social barriers instituted mainly by religion that have kept women and minorities down. It also helps you take a more critical view of the things that you believe. One of the most important things that i learned in college is that everything you believe in isnt neccasarily right but just a result of the way you grew up. -
Love, Death, Marriage and the Ressurection
by purplesofa ini knew nothing of ressurection until studying the bible as an adult with the witnesses.
i thought it was a wonderful thing.
it hurts to lose someone you are close to and love.
I was particularly disturbed when a brother said that people will be ressurected without genitals. I was thinking...WTF man. Where in the bible does it say this?
and thats a scary thought leolaia -
When elders realize they lost their power over you
by unbeliever inafter reading jgnat's post i got to thinking about something that happened to me.
i was never baptized so the elders were limited on what they could do to me.
still they were able to make my life miserable through my mother so sometimes i towed the line.
Instead of taking counsel and orders when i know they are wrong. I 've begun to really tell them how i feel and what i'm thinking, but of course redeeming myself by saying "I'll do it..but i just want you to know that" Baby steps ;-).