O yes tetrapod, before i leave, this entire district shall quake at the mention of Dune
Posts by Dune
The New "In-Phrase" - with greediness
by stillajwexelder infrom the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
The New "In-Phrase" - with greediness
by stillajwexelder infrom the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
What i wanna know is where are all these sisters that are in the need for greed. (Or just a few times before it needs to be reported of course :-d)
Pioneer Sisters & Field Service
by prophecor insome of you sisters were so adept at going out in service, that it seemed as if you really didn't need a brother, who was willing to take the lead.
many of you were already well suited in marking out and mapping out the territory, and sometimes big brother such and such, who just happened to be newly baptised, but is now in a position to serve shows up and begins to make himself feel useful.
i mean, this is how the climbing up the ladder begins for us brothers, isn't it?.
Sisters used to do that to my brother and I.
They call it the "Pioneer Strut" here, AKA "we'll slack off cause we're trying to make this block last as long as possible".
My brother and I soon learned how to quickly and efficiently complete blocks on our own. -
The New "In-Phrase" - with greediness
by stillajwexelder infrom the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
I promise only to do it once miss peaches :-d
The New "In-Phrase" - with greediness
by stillajwexelder infrom the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
That confused the hell out of me.
So if i fondle a chick, but dont happen to suck on her nipples,its loose conduct.... but not greediness.
I wonder what would happen if i just lightly brush them with the tip of my tongue? Cause obviously that was loose, but i only had a taste so that couldnt have been greedy...right? :-D -
Cowardice -not handing out elders school notes
by stillajwexelder inso last night our po was all enthusiastic about the elders scholl (km school) he will be attending this weekend.
i just completely lost my courage.
i really wanted to hand him the notes i got from sir 82 on this site - toned down but basically with all the talk titles and synopsis on - without his comments!!
I would do it, but i'm known in the cong to be a person who knows how to use a PC. Maybe i should send it to the elders in another congregation to screw with them.
Pioneer Sisters & Field Service
by prophecor insome of you sisters were so adept at going out in service, that it seemed as if you really didn't need a brother, who was willing to take the lead.
many of you were already well suited in marking out and mapping out the territory, and sometimes big brother such and such, who just happened to be newly baptised, but is now in a position to serve shows up and begins to make himself feel useful.
i mean, this is how the climbing up the ladder begins for us brothers, isn't it?.
I remember once when i was 11 years old. i had just gotten baptized and We were waiting for a brother to arrive.
So this sister got up to do the daily text, she was really old and had been baptized in 1955
. Anyway, she was just about to sit down when this other sister pointed at me and stated "Wait, he's baptized. You aren't supposed to do that, Jehovah's spirt and angels wont be with us if you do". So anyway, i went ahead and did it. It felt good and embarrasing at the same time.
I'll never forget how their smiles seemed to mock me though.
Mention of Jehovah's Witnesses in popular entertainment
by enderby ini don't know if this thread has been done before, but can anybody think of times that jehovah's witnesses were made mention of or joked about in music, tv, or movies?
for example,there are a couple of simpsons episodes, one were marge alludes to being so desperate for company that jehovah's witnesses ran away when she went to get them more lemonade.
another time, two jw's approach the simpsons' house and one turns to the other just before ringing the doorbell and asks "ruby, do you ever think we should get real jobs?".
1) Family guy again. Only its the episode where Lois/peter inherit the huge mansion. They break out into song and this butler says "We'll stop jehovahs at the door" then he takes a brochure and smacks the witness in the face.
2) "coming to america" with eddie murphy. John amos (the father from good times) slams the door on his daughter's ex boyfriend and claims it was a jehovah's witness.
3) There were several comedians on "comic view" that joked about witnesses. The funniest being the guy that chose to answer the door naked.
Did your parents find you dates?
by Virgogirl inwhen i hit 19, and showed no signs of interest in finding a nice,suitable brother for a marriage mate, suddenly there started appearing a few "eligible" brothers from out of town at our sunday meetings.
even stranger, they seemed to be meeting up with my parernts and sitting with us.
stranger still, they had been invited back to our house for lunch!
You are basically on your own in my congregation. One thing that i've found to be very confusing is how I seemingly can never get the attention of Witness girls in my area, but always got along with and more foreseable chances to date with non-witnesses. But I figure satan is using these women to get to me :-p
by stillAwitness ini had to help my mom with her talk (gag) and found some interesting statements as i was leafing through some bond volumes:
wt 1956: p.10- " ancient contestants had to follow a strict diet.
the theocratic attendants must eat only at god's table.
lol @ the interracial quote.Thats the funny thing about the WTS, despite all the talk about being "No Part of the world", ultimately they always follow the social constructs of the world of the time.
Lol, maybe one day they'll let gays marry.