It really wasnt big news, it was Good information. But it wasnt earth shattering and i doubt that it'll get half of the attention the child abuse scandal did. I dont even blame the person who first started the post. I think it was just blown out of proportion.
Posts by Dune
Board silent about BIG NEWS???????????
by blindersoff in.
does anyone know why the board has fallen strangely silent about the 'big news'?.
not being critical; just curious.. b
Bethel Downsizing Again!
by zack ini do not know if any of you have heard.
no one in my congo.
other than one other elder on the body has heard:.
Thats gotta suck, no 411k, no pension. They'll have to do everything from scratched.
2005 Service Report.Where are The Angels?
by Blueblades inwith all the responses about the 2005 service report showing a loss in many areas, i was thinking about the angels that the watchtower teaches about, on how they are out in the field service with the preachers of the good news.. i guess from the report that even the angels have given up working in the door to door work, field service etc.
when was the last time the watchtower printed anything on the support of the angels out in the field service?.
Since the one third good angels are the preaching helper kind and are ;wusses with white wings,;and demunz are big hairy strong guys that fight dirty and stuff....they kick the preachin angels arses all the time and slow down the savin work......... Hope this helps. ~Gumby
Lol, thats hilarious.
I remember these guys in my congregation related this story about how they were doing street work and this vicious dog was barking at everyone who was walking by, anyway, as they started walking by, the Dog started whimpering and backed up into a corner. They mentioned that it had to be an Angel, and the dog must've sensed it and was scared.
As a witness, i've always regarded myself as a soldier. So i think it would be like an army movie. It would start out all happy and determined. Full of zeal and merryness. Then this slowly declines into despair and paranoia. By the end of the movie, two thirds of the cast is dead. I guess what i'm trying to say is the realization that everything wasnt really worth it is shown at the end
If you are a 'fader' - what have you done with.....
by AK - Jeff inall your christmas packaging and so forth?
i mean most houses have a ton of trash out front this week due to all the wrappings, etc.
we are faders to some extent, though being shunned like we are df'd - i am sure we will make it less obvious at the curb than the neighbors.
I say dump it on a the lawn of somebody a couple of blocks away.
Dinner with College Professor
by RichieRich ini went to the circuit assembly last weekend.
we went up friday, so we could have some time to chill before the assembly saturday and sunday.
our "christian convoy" happened to include a very nice family that is new to our congregation.
Lol, too bad i dont have any college professors in our area. However, i think i'll be stopping at a BA.
The Privilege of Handling the Microphones
by minimus inone of the most unbelievable privileges that a brother could have was being a microphone handler.
elders would discuss brothers for hours and see whether or not we would allow them to mow the lawn or handle a mike.
i always felt that these brothers were doing us a favor but if they didn't get a minimum of 10 hours in per month, they were dog crap and couldn't have any privileges.
I still do the mics (i'm still in good standing). I've been doing it since i was 12. i'm 19 now. In my congregation, its the complete opposite, the other guys avoid the mics like the plague. I pratically have to do it at least once a week, even though we have a full list of attendants, its kinda weird. There arent any really hot sisters (ok, any that i find attractive...) so i dont think i'll be looking down blouses any time soon, but thanks for the tip ;-).
Bin Laden's niece is a hotty
by Ned incheck this out!
bin laden's niece bares much in gq spreadmy values are like yours, she says, distancing herself from al-qaida leaderjeff riedel / gq via reuterswafah dufour, niece of osama bin laden, poses in an undated photo taken during a photo session for the january 2006 issue of gq magazine.
Thats it, i'm converting to islam.
WTS vs Quotes: Requiem for a Research Web Site
by Quotes inin compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement, my information and research web site,, is now "dark".
the domain "" has been transferred to wts (i assume they will have it pointing to asap).
my copies of the site have been destroyed, the files deleted, and my wt library cd has been destroyed, in accordance with the settlement agreement which will afford a "discontinuance" of their suit against me.
Three words. Anonymous Web Hosting. :-d
JW Boycott Feb 06
by yaddayadda in.
how about every lurker on here and all others spreading the news that unhappy jw's worldwide are to do a general boycott of all jw related activities (meetings, fs, etc) in for the entire month of february 2006. would be interesting to see what happens to the us average publishers for that month.. power to the people!
I dont think something like boycotting small businesses would really do anything.
They'd just take it as persercution. But if it makes you happy, then by all means.