An interesting topic of discussion when I'm out on a date.
Posts by Dune
I left the JWs and all I got was ..........
by Satans little helper ina life, a career, a woman that can think for herself and real friends .
what did you gain?
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly inwatch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
When and organization can do something like this and just throw away years of indoctrination. Thats when you have to realize that this reilgion is going to be around for years to come.
JW kids with Bebo & other such accounts. Its scandelous!
by jambon1 infor those who dont know, bebo is a kind of free web site thing that you can use to put lots of info about yourself, friends & pictures etc.
i think its a bit like myspace or whatever its called.. anyway, i got asked to look at an individuals page and of course it had links etc to this persons friends.
all were jw`s.. if i were still a witness, the stuff that is put on these websites would have concerned me.
The thing about xanga, myspace and all those other social networks is that it seems that a lot of witness youth think that it gives them some sort of privacy. When i was on xanga, i'd look though witness pages and it seemed that they were leading 'normal', social lives. (eg. Partying and Drinking). I wasnt perfect, but I kept up the witness persona online too in case some witness discovered me. I met a couple of cool witnesses off the site though. (Even though they stopped talking to me after i told them i DA'd myself).
16 year old who Da'd herself. Later got pregnant, this was used for fuel as to what happens when you leave jehoba...
computer careers
by Chameleon ini made another thread like this, but it was specific to one career.
personal experience; main point of thread in the last paragraph.. .
i'm 21, attending a community college for a networking degree.
Your current job will help.
I'm a student too and i work part time as a developer.
By the time i graduate i'll be able to say i have so many years of experience.(Even though i barely work 20 hours a week).
Its more about how you sell yourself. Once you get to a university, try to get an on-campus job in a related field or even an internship. -
17 Year Olds
by lonelysheep inyou 'kids' are strong, strong people.
i'm not just referring to those of you who are 17 now, but those who left or simply woke up from the wt garbage at such a young age and are now adults.. from what i've seen here over the last 2+ years, it seems to me like jw's treat their children like they are foster kids.
some foster kids (& some adopted kids) i knew throughout school were kicked out or left home around the ages of 16-17, and were put into independent living programs by the age of 18. their parents wanted nothing to do with them afterwards.
I was doubting around the time i was 18. I wasnt kicked out, just played the game till it didnt matter anymore.
Still go to jw funerals?
by Dune ini've been fading for about 6 months now and a couple of witnesses in my old congregation have died.
a smidget of me wanted to go for the sentimental reasons.
but i knew i wouldnt be able to handle the 'lovebombing', the questioning and a restart on harassment by the elders.
I've been fading for about 6 months now and a couple of witnesses in my old congregation have died. A smidget of me wanted to go for the sentimental reasons. But i knew i wouldnt be able to handle the 'lovebombing', the questioning and a restart on harassment by the elders.
What do you guys do when a jw you knew dies?
Racism in the Org.
by rekless indid your congregation have any racial problems from 1972 - 2005?.
was afro-americans passed over as elders or were their any .
false charges drummed up to remove a-a elder or ms?.
I grew up in a circuit that where 80% of the witnesses were black, when i went to other circuits we were shown the same amount of "love" and respect as i experienced in other congregations. (However, do have to say that ounce for ounce, the witnesses in spanish speaking congregations were a lot nicer). I've met as many white "brothers" that were prick as i've met black ones.
My only problem with the WTBS (with this issue anyway) was that they didnt support the civil rights movement and didnt fight against segregation. Which is funny because blacks are overrepresented in the religion.
"Time Travel".........What time and place would you go?
by new boy inlets make it fun!...............if you could go anywhere in time but only have a 50% chance of survival (making it back to this time alive) would you do it?.
where would go?.
for me in would be the time of jeaus......... i'd would really like to know what the truth was about his ministry.
I'd go back to 1998, the year I got baptized. I'd convince myself not to get baptized and then hand myself a book containing winning lottery numbers along with some other valuable information.
How many on this board started out here as JWs defending their "faith"?
by new boy ini left 6 months before i found this place........but if i had found it 15 years ago, i would have been one of those fighting tooth and nail for the watchtower bible & tract society.. i know this board has helped 100's if not thousands of people with the real truth about the organization............ in the face of logic and reason, how could it not!.
"I've never seen people so desperate to convince themselves of something so stupid in my life. If you want to go with the modern day view of 50/50 then go ahead. But its pathetic when people lie like you all have. First off, Time and time again we are told that husbands should treat their wives like they would like to be treated, so any man who is abuses his wife in anyway isnt even fit to call himself a witness. Second, that comment about a cow is pure nonsense. Humans are essentially mammals, all the WTS was doing was drawing an analogy. It doesnt say that "YOUNG GIRLS ARE COWS" it was simply showing a similarity. All of your arguments are weak and pathetic. But i understand your need to valify your leaving/denying the truth. So I dont blame any of you. Thats whats so good about life, we can believe and do whatever we want. "
I cant believe i wrote that :-(. That was almost two years ago, but still.
Its funny how things change...