Awesome, congrats. It'll be 5 years for me in a few months.
Posts by Dune
1 year since my last meeting!
by Alfred ini just realized that today marks my first year since attending a meeting at the kh... i really wanted to celebrate this day but it just creeped up and its kinda late now... i guess i'll celebrate tomorrow night instead.. but i wanted to log in to thank everyone who has helped me with their valuable insight and perspective... i came to this site with a typical judgemental jw mentality and now i can say i'm completely rid of all that... i now value everyone's opinions and talk more freely with people i used to consider "worldly"... what a completely freeing experience!.
the hardest part of my exit from the cult was convincing my wife... that took about 6 months and i nearly gave up... thank god she eventually woke up.. also, in the past year i've read.... gentile times reconsideredcombatting mind controlcrisis of conscience*in search of christian freedomapocalypse delayed*3 books out of the 7 "studies in the scriptures"5 rutherford books*i met 2 of the people mentioned in crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed and had dinner with them recently... hoping to build that relationship further.. i've also sent about 26 emails to several elders on a variety of subjects and 6 letters to the brooklyn and i'm still not da's or df'd!
none of these emails or letters changed anything but it helped me purge.... i could go on and on but it's the same story you've probably read a thousand times already.. anyway, if it wasn't for all the support and encouragement i received on this site (as well as randy's site and barbara's site), i wouldn't be where i am today.. so a big thank you to you all!!!.
1 year since my last meeting!
by Alfred ini just realized that today marks my first year since attending a meeting at the kh... i really wanted to celebrate this day but it just creeped up and its kinda late now... i guess i'll celebrate tomorrow night instead.. but i wanted to log in to thank everyone who has helped me with their valuable insight and perspective... i came to this site with a typical judgemental jw mentality and now i can say i'm completely rid of all that... i now value everyone's opinions and talk more freely with people i used to consider "worldly"... what a completely freeing experience!.
the hardest part of my exit from the cult was convincing my wife... that took about 6 months and i nearly gave up... thank god she eventually woke up.. also, in the past year i've read.... gentile times reconsideredcombatting mind controlcrisis of conscience*in search of christian freedomapocalypse delayed*3 books out of the 7 "studies in the scriptures"5 rutherford books*i met 2 of the people mentioned in crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed and had dinner with them recently... hoping to build that relationship further.. i've also sent about 26 emails to several elders on a variety of subjects and 6 letters to the brooklyn and i'm still not da's or df'd!
none of these emails or letters changed anything but it helped me purge.... i could go on and on but it's the same story you've probably read a thousand times already.. anyway, if it wasn't for all the support and encouragement i received on this site (as well as randy's site and barbara's site), i wouldn't be where i am today.. so a big thank you to you all!!!.
Awesome, congrats. It'll be 5 years for me in a few months.
A Thing About Language and Thought Processes...
by AGuest inand particularly old/ancient languages (may you all have peace!)..
some often comment as to why i "speak" as i do when i post certain things.
i received from my lord why that is: according to him, in order for one to understand what certain words/passages meant... and/or what was meant by them... what their speaker/author intended... one has to know something of the language... and the thinking behind the words.
I held it together until the 'JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH' then i lost it. I really need to stop logging in during my lunch break.
JW Urban Legend....
by on the rocks inthis is about a experience given by someone who was newly baptised ....the demons were troubling her as she was practicing spiritism before she got baptised....once when the demons troubled her she raised her voice and asked arent you afraid of jehovah...and the demons replied we are but currently he is busy gathering his army for many of you have heard similar stories?.
Not to knock anyone's personal beliefs (i'm actually being serious here), but i've reached the point where i regard any mention of demon attack and possession to be simply cases of wavering mental health and or common occurences like night terrors.
Why do the women put up with it?
by JeffT inmy question was sparked by a comment on another board, regarding islamic women.
"exactly; look up the details of the "honor killing" epidemic and the extent to which women are the primary movers and motivators behind the murders is startling.
also, looking at the secular countries that are being threatened by islamic fundamentalism (malaysia, indonesia, egypt, turkey) and woman are at the forefront in returning to wearing the niquab/burka and accepting islamic oppression.
It's easy to put up with almost anything if you're indoctrinated from birth. I was watching a show about gypsys the other day, and was surprised to learned that girls were taught early on that their main purpose was to get married and start a family leading to an average age of marriage of 16/17 for girls.
"Informed" individuals look at this sort of thing with disgust, but imagine being born into such a situation and never having a frame of reference to compare your own life to, this would just seem normal and you'd go about your day.
FOIA request for Obama's SS records
by moshe inwill these birthers never give up?.
wnd exclusive a question of eligibility.
obama critic coming closer to social security records?.
Why is the burden of proof constantly on Obama? If you're making an extraordinary claim it should be on YOU to prove it, don't continuously drudge up nonsense then when you're ignored say "Why isn't he replying? Something is fishy, if he was innocent he'd be defending himself".
The world is changing, the poor & disenfranchised have seen how life could be and refuse to just lay down and take it anymore. With the internet and social media it's going to be harder and harder to keep the status quo, whose going to be satisfied living in a room with 10 people when they see that their country's leaders are having $2 million private beyonce concerts?
I would like for a wide scale democratic order to come to the muslim world, but the best case scenario in my mind would be for us to find an alternative energy source so we can wean ourselves off of our 'interests' in these countries. I honestly believe that no one really cares what sort of government these countries have, just as long as the oil is flowing fast & cheap.
Did you Fade Gradually or Stop Attending Meetings Quickly ? Reasons ?
by flipper inbeen thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
My fade was kind of funny. I had an elaborate system all planned out where I would leave my congregation and hop between different congregations hoping to eventually be lost between the shuffle. I also considered asking an ex-JW I knew to pose as an elder and accept my publisher record card.
I had gone to what was supposed to be my first hop, realized how stupid and tiresome all of it was going to be and just went home. I didn't transfer myself, didn't go to a bunch of congregations, i just stopped going. I had a few calls and visits at the beginning but after a while no one bothered me.
I thought it was cowardly at the time, but looking back i'm glad i did it the way i did.
Counting time
by roxanesophia inforgive me if it's a stupid question, but it's on my brain now that i don't trust the motives of witnesses out to recruit a new fruit loop to the bowl.... .
can they count their time driving "interested ones" to meetings?
I sure as hell counted that time when i was still in the troof.
In fact, for the last 2 years in the religion I arbitrarily doubled my time including "special" auxillary pioneering months.
Feminism? No way
by StopTheTears inmy mother was a hippy who kept a pile of erica jong and germaine greer books beside her bed.
(like every other avowed feminist in those days).
needless to say, she didn't feel the need to do the cleaning and we lived in an unkempt home.
Even though the OP is being outted as a troll, i'll bite.
One of the more important lessons i took from my single semester of women's studies was that there are many types of feminist. You have 'feminazis', then you had some feminist who believed porn was degrading to women and yet others who believed it was empowering. There is a constant conflict, but at the very base of it all, feminism is the active establishment of the idea that women should have equal social and economic rights as men.
So if a woman feels that she would be happiest being a housewife then why not? 'selflessly' putting off having a family when you really wanted the husband & kids doesn't make you a bastion of feminism, doing what makes you happy and encouraging equality does.