This is a weird story.
I basically have been doing all the things the guys above have mention (except the magazine counter, I assist with accounts). Anyway, I've always felt second to this other guy who was a son of an elder and a pioneer. However, this guy was NEVER appointed. and we are about the same age (i'm older by a month). So i always figured that regardless of what i'm doing, i'd never become an MS before he did.
It just really amazes me how you can work, work, work and sacrifice and one day wake up and realize that it was all for nothing. I mean seriously. The people in my congregation take the fact that i'm a college student as a reason to look down on me, despite that fact that i'm being used for everything and have been on the Circuit assembly recently.
Anyway, i average about 16/17 hours a month. Well, this elder who i was mentioning in my last topic mentioned that one of the reasons that i havent been appointed yet is that my hours are too low and the other is that they think that i might not be able to bear under the responsibility due to the fact that i work, go to college and do all this other crap.
O well, i'm just waiting for that ONE thing to send me over the edge now.
~Patiently waiting, Dune
Posts by Dune
How Did You Feel When You Were Passed Up For A "Privilege"?
by minimus inthe watchtower thrives on the pecking order.
who's in line next to "be used"?
who can we allow to "handle the microphones and mow the lawn"?
The Generation of 1914 fading away - Armisitice Day
by truthseeker inwhile the watchtower bible & tract society continues to support it's 1914 doctrine, in the new young people ask video and its magazines, one can't help but wonder if they notice world events that challenge their chronology.... fewer, wwi veterans mark the armistice of 1918only about 50 thought still alive.
by douglass k. daniel, associated press | november 11, 2005. washington -- lloyd brown remembers armistice day in 1918 as few -- ever so few -- veterans can.
''for the servicemen there were lots of hugs and kisses," recalls brown, of charlotte hall, md., a teenage seaman aboard the battleship uss new hampshire, in port stateside when the fighting stopped.
I think that in 2014. The society will have a hard time validating those who claim to be the remnant.
Disturbing Information Passed on in Annual Elders Meeting?
by Dune inas you all may know, the elders around america have had (or will have) their annual meetings.
you know, the ones where they are trained and brought up to date about the whole scheme of things.. anyway, an elder who i happen to be close to was telling me yesterday that some troubling/disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide.
he also mentioned that it will be mentioned in watchtowers and km's in the next few months.. anyone know what he may be talking about?
He claimed that he the elders arent allowed to dicuss it with the congregation, but that they are speaking about it amongst themselves. I knew him when he was appointed to an MS, and have been around him since then. If Sir82 doesnt deliver, I might be able to wedge an answer out of him (The elder i know).
What is the most money you have spent on one item?
by Crumpet intoday i bought the most expensive thing i have ever bought.
i bought a laptop computer for just under 500 - about $1000 i guess.
it was on 12 months interest free credit so technically its not mine.
$1,200 on a laptop.
Disturbing Information Passed on in Annual Elders Meeting?
by Dune inas you all may know, the elders around america have had (or will have) their annual meetings.
you know, the ones where they are trained and brought up to date about the whole scheme of things.. anyway, an elder who i happen to be close to was telling me yesterday that some troubling/disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide.
he also mentioned that it will be mentioned in watchtowers and km's in the next few months.. anyone know what he may be talking about?
As you all may know, the elders around america have had (or will have) their annual meetings. You know, the ones where they are trained and brought up to date about the whole scheme of things.
Anyway, an elder who i happen to be close to was telling me yesterday that some troubling/disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide. He also mentioned that it will be mentioned in Watchtowers and KM's in the next few months.
Anyone know what he may be talking about?
Why is Jehovah organization or Jehova's Witness so critizise?
by toer5777 inwhy not the catholic church or others religions?
i dont understand that how a religion that douesn't go to war, don't buy guns, they preach for free they dont get paid,there not rasist, they love there neighbors they treat others well, they dont bother you if you dont want them to pass by your house they wont.
why so much hate, if they go strictly by what the bible says.
This has got to be a joke... Wasnt someone complaining about there not being a Pro-JW argument for a couple of months (since Defd and scholar stopped showing up).
Tips For Folks Who Can't Completely Fade From The "Truth"
by metatron innot everyone is fortunate enough to be able to fade away from the "truth".
lots of people.
are stuck, for various reasons, with the continuing pretense of still "being in the truth".. there are, however, ways to make this annoyance more bearable.
Since i do the sound system on the Theo/serv meeting, I do my homework. Its great cause the sound system door blocks anyone from seeing what i'm writing :-d.
How to destroy the Watchtower Organization
by saved in.
destroyed like bankrupt, unable to function as an organized religion, or whatever that will make all jws really wake up and think that this organization isn't what they think it is.. ideas?
Thats a weird read @ Odrade.
If the world lasts another 50 years. There wont be witnesses around. Think about it.
The Kids Dont care as much as their parents. I kid you not when i say that 80% of the kids that i grew up with left the congregation/truth by the time i turned 18. The children of the WTS wont carry this orgo.
I have a simple idea, why doesnt JWD collect as many emails from witnesses as they can. I'm sure that you guys have emails from someone you knew in the congregation, not to mention the ones that we can find emails from in search directory. Then they can be provided with a weekly newsletter. Of course, they'll have the option of discontinuing the service. -
Why do they let Children Get Baptized?
by Dune inso i've been wondering about it recently.
i was baptized when i was 11 years old and have been a witness for about 8 years now.
since i was 11 (yes, since 11) i've been reading the watchtower, doing the mics and all that stuff.
Thanx for the answers guys. And to answer Ocsrf. To tell you the truth, most of this stuff really doesnt phase me. When i see NGO and proof that the WTS has shares towards a weapons Manufacturer, its like my brain thinks of excuses for it. Most of my doubts have come from Doctrinal Falsehoods related to science (dinosaurs, evolution) and the fact that there is still a remnant when clearly all of them should be dead by now.
Why do they let Children Get Baptized?
by Dune inso i've been wondering about it recently.
i was baptized when i was 11 years old and have been a witness for about 8 years now.
since i was 11 (yes, since 11) i've been reading the watchtower, doing the mics and all that stuff.
So i've been wondering about it recently. I was baptized when I was 11 years old and have been a witness for about 8 years now.
Since I was 11 (yes, since 11) I've been reading the watchtower, doing the mics and all that stuff. I recently learned that even now, the Prosiding Overseer of my congregation thinks that I'm too young to be made a ministerial servant. Now while a part of me wants to be an MS (dont ask), a part of me knew that i'd never be one at least while i was in college, but now i'm learning that it was because of my age.
Now, I've been wondering. If teens and children cant get anywhere anyway, why the hell do they let them get baptized.
Besides from the fact that they cant do anything, these children CANT possibly make a decision at their age. It really makes no sense when i see children as young as 6 and 7 getting baptized. I'm pretty sure that if i wasnt a witness now and had a bible study right now, i'd probably would give my bible study conductor a run for his money.
So what do you guys think about it?