I managed to zone out. My brother had to read though, It was probably his most fluent yet monotonous reading ever. There was no feeling, no emotion in his voice. I think his reading set the tone to the watchtower. What i found most disturbing was people who were encouraging ME to go to college commenting during the meeting. Two people who were in college had the nerve to college. And this other guy who encouraged his granddaughter to go commented. I was originally scheduled to read for it, but i switched with my brother. I didnt want to read or comment, which shouldnt surprise anyone.
Posts by Dune
JV's super fantastic Oct 1st education article review!!!!!! (LONG!!)
by JV inwhere to start?
first off i want to say that i actually took notes with my really cool 4 colour pen, and i colour coded my comments accordingly.
green = vomit inducing, red = furious, blue = makes me sad, and black = makes me want to die, lets just say that my article was really green .
Would You NOT Do Business With a JW Simply Because He's a JW?
by minimus inwould you discriminate against a person simply because he was a witness?
I wouldnt do business, cause if something goes down i wouldnt be able to sue them (i'm still in good standing). A family member once loaned a witness a large sum of money and they insisted on not paying it back. They eventually did.
What's the first thought that comes to mind when wordly people think of JWs
by JH in.
i'll start........ saturday morning door knockers
I was surprised to learn when i learned that no one really cared.
You are told that we are a "public spectacle" and "one of the most hated people on the earth".
But then I learned that most people think that JW's are just another religion.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
My brother laughed when he read the article.
I've been trying to find a valid excuse to not be at tommorow's meeting. But they've found a way to get me to come.
I dont know though. Perhaps I can hide in the background. An hour of this garbage, not to mentioned the sarcastic comments following each paragraph is going to send me into cardiac arrest. Pray for me
About a Funeral i went to...
by Dune inso i went to a funeral for a classmate that died recently.
she wasnt a witness, so the service was in a church.
it was crazy cause, i saw all these people i went to high school with and most of them were crying, even the "jocks".
So I went to a funeral for a classmate that died recently. She wasnt a witness, so the service was in a church. It was crazy cause, I saw all these people I went to high school with and most of them were crying, even the "Jocks".
Then i thought, "Will people cry at my funeral?" I mean, I've been to lots of funerals because most of the people in my congregatation are 70+. But i cant remember people ever crying at these funerals. I often pressumed that It was because witnesses had that much more hope because of the ressurection and paradise, etc.
But then i realized something. If i were to die today, my brother would probably be the only person to be sad. I mean truly heartbroken. As a witness you really dont get many close friends (if any). You really cant divulge information and feelings to people who will turn on you.
Its sort of like a trap when you think about it. Throughtout your 12 years of schooling (americans). You are taught not to associate with these people, not to join after school clubs or play sports. You are ordered to find friends in the congregation. But most of the time there are none, and if there are the relationships are superficial. So you are basically alone if you dont have a family or are married.
I know you cant base love by whether or not someone cries for you at your funeral. And It really doesnt matter if people cry or feel sad at your funeral, cause you're dead. But It just amazes me how you can be around people for 10+ years but not really care for each other. It really just blows my mind.
Any thoughts?
Nationwide elders' campaign to find JWs using www.myspace.com?
by rebel8 inthis was posted on http://forum.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=messageboard.viewthread&entryid=8659411&groupid=100205476&adtopicid=27&mytoken=0b2c7ba0-19a8-493e-b7d71de149831b6b768857454 yesterday.
is it true?
imbedding the page below.
A girl told me that the elders in a district in florida are cracking down on the teenaged use of Xanga...
The Generation of 1914 fading away - Armisitice Day
by truthseeker inwhile the watchtower bible & tract society continues to support it's 1914 doctrine, in the new young people ask video and its magazines, one can't help but wonder if they notice world events that challenge their chronology.... http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2005/11/11/ever_fewer_wwi_veterans_mark_the_armistice_of_1918/?rss_id=boston+globe+--+national+newsever fewer, wwi veterans mark the armistice of 1918only about 50 thought still alive.
by douglass k. daniel, associated press | november 11, 2005. washington -- lloyd brown remembers armistice day in 1918 as few -- ever so few -- veterans can.
''for the servicemen there were lots of hugs and kisses," recalls brown, of charlotte hall, md., a teenage seaman aboard the battleship uss new hampshire, in port stateside when the fighting stopped.
*** w97 6/1 p. 28 Questions From Readers ***
So the recent information in The Watchtower about "this generation" did not change our understanding of what occurred in 1914. But it did give us a clearer grasp of Jesus’ use of the term "generation," helping us to see that his usage was no basis for calculating—counting from 1914—how close to the end we are.
That quote killed me right there :-( -
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
The dreaded article.
I tricked my brother into switching the article readings, so i got to read the WT last week and he has to do it tommorow. It just would have looked stupid if a college student was up there reading all of this.
THere is this picture with a guy on grass and there are people in the background kissing and drinking for 40's.But take it from a person who is IN college, NO ONE is walking around making out in the open let alone drinking OUT IN THE OPEN where 70% of the students are below drinking age.
I hate it when they make it look like everyone is just walking around fornicating. It paints a false image of college life.
O yeah, about the quote from the dept of labor. Thats only a half-truth. Think about it, NOONE gets a job in their majorf. An electrical engineering major can get almost any job a computer science, computer engineering or mechanical engineer gets. Sometimes they dont even ask for a major, just a Bachelors in science/art. -
Elders, perfect kind men who should be respected.
by free2beme ini know some former witnesses away from the board and when we have talked, we have commented on how we still see people put elders in this category, even after the exit.
once in a discussion with someone who used to be an elder, the person who used to be an elder did something kind of harsh in their comments.
the person in the group stated, "there is no way someone like you would have ever been an elder.
Perfect men? Bull S#!t.
Lets have a background of the elders in my congo...:
Brother #@#@!#--had one daughter disfellowshipped (reinstated now, but inactive), one who is "in the world" and one who is baptized but is so full of herself i feel like vomiting when i see the turd. Will only talk to you if he needs something.
Brother ##@#$@@@#-- One son who was judicially reproved twice, one daughter disfellowshipped, another daughter who was judicially reproved twice (at the same meeting as the son, i dont even want to know). And one son who is such a bastard, i've had to restrain myself from a physical confrontation. SEVERELY depressed, Bookstudy, Theocratic ministry school taken from him. Let out his problems at a TELEPHONE witnessing session in front of about 6 sisters. Left about a month ago.
Brother #*##(#- One daughter who DA'd herself at the age of 16, tried to take me along with her, but i wasnt ready (still isnt). SHort temper.
Brother *@#(@-- Prosiding Overseer, pretty scott clear except for the fact he can be quite sarcastic to the point of angering person he is talking to. -
JW kids: How old were you when you stopped getting spanked?
by rebel8 injust curious.
i was 17 when i was last spanked.
it was the day of my high school graduation.
12/13 ish. We were in a car, on our way to a Circuit assembly (go figure) and out of the blue she starts hitting me in the face. I dont know what it was but rage erupted inside of me and I started screaming in her face.
Telling her i didnt do anything and she didnt have any right to hit me because she was angry. Needless to say, she hasnt hit me since. She had taken to hiding my property afterwards as punishment.