Since they're coming over. Take them to see "Narnia:the lion, the witch, the wardrobe". It looks really good. and it has kids in it. Every kid dreams of going to some far off land or becoming a super/fantasy hero of sorts. i bet they'll love it.
Posts by Dune
Need help - Movies that kids like
by Sam the Man inhi all, i have my kids coming over with friends, age range 4-9, but as if that isnt enough i need to think of some movies (films) that i could give them to watch.
i have the new harry potter, and wallace and gromit rabbit, plus charlie and the choco factory - any other suggestions!??!?!
much appreciat@ed
Sister "I just have to comment all the time" had my thought...
by wanderlustguy ini was thinking about how one of the cult tactics come into play in such a simple action, like commenting at the meetings.
don't know if it was the same everywhere, but at our hall, sometimes the wt study conductor would call on a couple of people in sequence, the first would give thier comment, then brother "i get to carry the microphone" would run over to the other, just for them to say "he, she had my thought".
just that statement "they had my thought" says so much now.
Its funny what you said about "old light"
It reminds me of the part in 1984 when Wilson recounts how just last week the country was fighting against Eurasia and now they were fighting Europa. But the party had them believe that "We were always fighting Europa!".
1984 was so appealing to me in high school because i kind of felt that i was Wilson.
Love Bombing JWs vs JWD
by Lady Lee inaccording to the book cults in our midst by margaret thaler singer the practice of love bombing is a common practice in groups who seek to control others.
she states:.
most cults have specific plans for drawing in each recruit.
The funniest thing for me is that i havent felt the "love" since my bible study conductor left the congregation in 2000. He was the elder that everyone loved cause he was young, funny and you could really see that he was genuinely concerned about you. I think the fact that he considered me a son kinda got me some kind of position in the congregation. However, once he left i felt the love go with him.
I was watching this one lady that's been studying for about a year now. I think everyone who has been doing it, is tired of love bombing her. Sometimes she misses meetings because she has to work the night shifts. and lately you could see that people have ceased teh LB. Its funny because she really is the type of person that would hug you and is very affectionate, but she hasnt realized that no one is returning it back to her.
Love Bombing is so cruel because most people dont know they are doing it. And its amazing how once a person gets baptized its like everyone can care less about you afterwards.
If JWs knock on Christmas Day...what will you say?
by diamondblue1974 in.
i always remember jws making a special effort to go out on fs on christmas day...and near me they still do....what will you say to them if they should knock on your door?.
Good thing christmas is on a sunday cause i'll die before i go out on a sunday again.
I might be going out on the friday and monday afterwards (I stress might, my brother might convince me to stay home). If i get any strange comments on the day before i'll tell you all, lol.
Socialization of JW Kids
by Mysterious inthrough the course of my university studies in social sciences there seems to be a repeated emphasis on early socialization shaping personality and having a drastic effect on the long term life of kids.
studies of extreme neglect are often the only ones cited, such as children locked in a closet for the early years of their lives with no human contact.
it's lead me to wonder about the long term effects of jw socialization on youths that are raised in the organization.
Finally, someone i can discuss socialization with.In my first semester, i took a women's studies class and in it we were asked to write about how we were programmed/socialized througout our lifetimes.In it, i mentioned that some of the socialization factors in my life have been the fact that i am part of a minority, i grew up in a single parent family and that we are working class.But i admitted that the way i see the world is strictly controlled by my religion.Think about it, everything a witness believes in is affected by the bible and/or organization. Things from sexuality to race.
I mentioned that while i had a respect for the cultures of other people, i didnt tolerate other religions, sexual "deviants" and politics.
Jehovah's witness children are basically socialized in the same category as any conservative group (mormons, seventh day adventist, christian fundamentalist, lol). The only difference is, that in the mind of the witness, there can be NO gray areas. And if there are any gray areas left by the bible, the orgo takes care of it. With this said, you have adults who arent exactly paranoid about the end coming, but it is always something in the back of their minds preventing them from leaving. In the witness youth that i've associated with, you can clearly see that they arent completely holier than thou and that some actually have somewhat of a life (a wholesome one of course) I dont think people are as zealous as they used to be and i believe that the next generation of witnesses (i guess about the next 40 years) the orgo will be critically weakened.
No holds barred interview Wednesday 5pm est
by morrisamb inmy siblings and i (3 ex witnesses) will be on world radio wed. we've talked and agreed, "let's do an uncensored interview....let's let people know what we really think.
darkness to light presents.
breaking the conspiracy of silence.
Too bad it isnt on the internet.
Things not to say or do in a job interview
by jgnat inthese all really happened to me (the interviewer, in case any of you were wondering!)..
"what is the extra chair for, my invisible friend?
ha ha.".
Dont be late to the interview.( this should be a given, but i've seen it)
PROOFREAD YOUR RESUME. employers dont like typo's
Attn: XJW Community--Let's not just complain about WT-Let's be ACTIVISTS!!
by AndersonsInfo inthere are many ways that we can actively protest against the watchtower's unjust and damaging policies.
here is one example of a method that is proving successful.
writing a letter is time-consuming for the author, but the results are worth it.
I thought that self defense (or defense of those for those who cant defend themselves) was a valid excuse for killing? Well thats just me then. Just my conscience
how do JW's handle being witnessed to by other religious evangelizers?
by limbogirl inrecently i was at my mother's house -- she is queen jw of her kh (i kid you not) -- when there was a knock on the door and what do you was two young women from one of the local churches out inviting people to attend services.
my mother proceeded to seriously beat the sh*t out of them with her bible knowledge and confusing chronologies.
the two women didn't back down but they soon realized they were in way over their heads.
I remember once that me and my brother ( i was about 13) went up to this door of a notorious witness hater (no one told us to skip the door) I tell you, he WHOOPED us. I mean, i'm not the most articulate in Watchtower lore, but i consider myself a pretty good speaker and debator (verbatim sentences from the RS book), but this guy was going for it.
When he stopped, he just smiled and said "You can come back if you want, but do your homework, cause i'm doing mine". When we turned around, an elder and an MS were there and they told us that the guy refused to "reason" for the past 30 years.. I still felt bad because i thought i failed because i couldnt match up to him, my brother thought we won though,lol.
Any Quick Advice For Those With Doubts in the Watchtower?
by AlmostAtheist inhey all,.
let's say you meet someone and they say that they are a jw, but they are having doubts about it.
they are doing some research and things just aren't adding up.
I'm kind of in that transition phase right now. I dont know if i want to just leave, or if i should become a career witness, lol. (You know like catholic priest who dont really believe in god, but do their jobs anyway)
I tried talking to my brother about it, but i think i came off a little too strong and he was offended. However, when i lightly touch the subject, I found out that he had doubts too. However, it hasnt stopped us from going to meetings, field service and all that other stuff. I think that its snowballing though, because i tried it with my mother and she just let out all of her greivances, most of which were more on the local rather than societal, but still progress nonetheless.
I totally agree with the person who said to beware of the internet. Most of my reservation for this site was because i find it hard to believe (even now) most of those stories about child abuse, elder brutality and the UN and malawi/mexico scandal. It just doesnt phase me and i question the validity of alot of the stories.However, i think examining doctrinal changes helps alot. Watchtower quotes is a VERY good site in research too.