Why'd u get DF'ed? if you dont mind me asking. I'm planning on just fading away, but in my wildest dreams i've often thought about bringing down a couple of witnesses along with me. (I said wildest dreams, lol). You dont seem to care that they did it, but is it cause of this "unrepentant" attitude that they did it?
Posts by Dune
Woohoo, just been DF'ed !!!
by Genesis inyesterday i was annonced as the kingdom hall : genesis is no more a jehovah witness !
im so glad i made it, but in the same time i have remorses, but thats a phenomenon called homeostasis, the mind try to take things to normal...
so i have so much things to plan,do think !
What was your first Apostasy?
by Dune ini'm re-reading 1984 and the similarities between the wtbs and the "party" astound me, but anyway, it made me think of the time when i started to get doubts (thoughtcrime).. i remember once at this book study a sister commented about the 1914 and was reciting it's historical accuracy.
anyway, she went on to mention that the demons were probably learning everything about biblical prophecies from the wtbs.
i was 13 at the time but the comment made me cringe, i was thinking "why would superior beings need humans to interpret the bible for them?
I keep seeing things about silent lambs and the dateline thing. I was pretty zealous at the time and refused to watch it. To my surprise i've had elders from several congregations tell me that they watched it.
More 'great' statements from the MySpace JW forum....
by TallTexan inim getting a bit sick of it of late to be honest.
i hardly know anyone that has come into the truth from witnessing recently and i certainly never get any biblestudies.
i guess the internet is doing it's job...... this myspace forum is a sickening, twisted picture of the still-disillusioned - it's great.
The one i heard was the one about the witness youth that went out of state to another college and when he came back, his parents were getting dressed for the meeting and when they told him that they were leaving soon he said "You guys are still doing all that?" and o yeah...300 posts :-d.
The WBTS really is a dangerous organization
by pratt1 in.
it has been well documented that some extreme cults have be able to isolate their memebers and then have them kill themselves because of their beliefs.. the dubs has always looked at these cults as being mislead by the devil and the dubs would never do anything as drastic a mass suicide.. however as a child i remember thinking that at the begining of the great tribulation, the fds might tell us to run, or congragate somewhere isolated and we would actually leave with on the clothes on our back, and anyone not heeding this warning would be killed at the battle of "armefogotten".. if the fds could get the dubs to leave their home and familes, bascially their lives behind, isn't it just a small stretch to think that a desicion to end ones earthly life could be the next request?.
also remember that particularily the jim jones event, some members had to be physically forced to drink the kool - aid while others freely drank.. does anyone else think that because of the power that the wbts has over it memebers, if they decided to do something drastic, many of the members would just blindly comply?
The only thing dangerous about the WBTS is how much of your life is wasted while you are in it and the emotional, psychological, phsyical and financial damage caused by it.
The WBTS will never tell its members to outright kill other people and it will never promote direct physical harm on anyone.
Think about it, stuff like start pioneering, start reaching out, stop watchin pron, stop watching rated R movies has been shoved down our throats for years and people are still ignoring the ministry,qualified or willing brothers are hard to find/not reaching out, Pron in the WTBS is here to stay and witness youth openly talk about watching rated R movies. Do you honestly think that anyone younger than 60 will actually take a holy physical war seriously? No way. In fact, i bet if the WBTS tried they'd lose at least a quarter of the people in the US.
Battleground God!
by Stealth in.
can your beliefs about religion make it across our intellectual battleground?.
take this test to find out... i took one direct hit.. .
5 hits and i bit the bullet once, lol.
Does the Watchtower Society Monitor this Board???
by integ inmaybe this has been addressed before, but after reading certain comments about people being "outed", i wonder if the wts really monitors this site?
if so, to what extent?
or is it just individual elders etc.?.
Then again, if an elder mentioned that he saw you on the site, what the hell was he doing there in the first place?
how this would work on JW?
by Shazard inif you would preach him simple and plain "your wt teaching is leading you to the hell where you will burn thernally even if you do not believe in hell?
you do not believe that you have salvation, you have no guaranty of that, so you are not saved and never be!
" this is simply with big dirty boots over their tomatos?
I remember i was out once in field service with a friend and this guy was talking to our book study conductor and this hottie sister a couple of doors away.
Anyway, he started to ramble on about how we were going to be destroyed if we didnt repent and followed him and said "I'm going to convert you and this girl and those two boys back there" lol, good times.
I just got promoted.... Again!
by ColdRedRain in.
hey, i thought i'd just share this with you guys.
this is a picture of me at my green belt ceremony.. .
You've done well young grasshoppa..
why do elders always pass on your private info?
by hamsterbait injust read in another thread how a youngster moved many many miles from his old congo, where he had 'fessed to "self-abuse" (how many of the gb were in the early boy-scouts, i ask?
anyway, the new book study conductor took him to one side after the meeting and asked how successful was he in dealing with his "problem".
this is what gets me so much about letting hlc see your records - they have no sense of tactful kindness or privacy.
I plan on getting my report before i switch congregations, i just want to see what kind of info they have on me in there, and perhaps if i can do a little bit of doctoring myself :-d.
JW's and the lottery
by cheen inanyone hear of or know of any jw's or exjw's who've won a large lottery prize?............i know of one jw who won close to half a million $us dollars and now he's like "jehovah who?...whos jehovah?
" lol
I've had daydreams where i win like $500 million the first time i play after leaving the WTBS. lol.