Welcome mega and all newbies and lurkers, to the cyber refugee camp known as JWD and hosted by the gracious and generous man behind the curtain, Simon. As the effect of the drugs (read indoctrination) begin to wear off, there will be periods of disorientation and anxiety over loss of personal identity, as well as guilt feelings. Walk outdoors. Feel the breeze. Feel the sun. Listen to the birds or whatever noise there is. Realize you are a unique, intelligent being residing in the ecosystem of planet Earth. Begin the journey of finding yourself, discovering who you are, defining your new identity. Many here in the camp have been through exactly what you are experiencing, and far worse. We will share our provisions with you. All we ask is that you in turn extend love and kindness to fresh escapees as you gain strength. When you are ready, it is strongly recommended that you get a view of the "inside" at the highest level (Governing Body) by reading "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz, a GB member for nine years. This book, unlike any other available, has been like a strong wind in the lives of so many, blowing away the thick fog and erasing the guilt, allowing you to see clearly for miles and miles. For a women's perspective, your wife might enjoy "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness" by Diane Wilson. (Both should be available on Amazon.)
"One thing I can tell you is you got to be free." John Lennon ("Come Together")
Peace, brother.