Do you believe it if I told you I have given a public talk with a skirt on?You share Mr Midwich's hobby I see.
Not really, it just thought it would be funny, and it was normal there, so.... I can't consider it a hobby....
it is clear that there is no scriptural basis for disapproving of facial hair, coloured shirts or women wearing trousers at meetings or while preaching.
some of these rules seem to be regionally variable, but i think the rules on women's clothing are the same everywhere.. my question is - has there ever been any specific comments on any of these type of rules in any watchtower publication, ever?
and if not, how do we all know the rules?.
Do you believe it if I told you I have given a public talk with a skirt on?You share Mr Midwich's hobby I see.
Not really, it just thought it would be funny, and it was normal there, so.... I can't consider it a hobby....
just want to share some thoughts...... as i read in another thread, there are only a few factors needed to have an evolutionary process.. copying, survival mechanism and some kind of random or prseudom random changes (mutations).. if we think of the image that people had of god or gods, this is applicable.
copying by stories, writing and traditions.
changes are obvious and the survival mechanism is also present as the way in which the view of god was most powerfull, believable etc.. anyway how did it evolve?.
Shamanism, considering it's background could be considered a natural religion. Monotheism is a human construct, manufactured, and is imposed onto people. Examples: egypt, israel, europe.
I agree that shamanism is a nature religion and it will occure in a group of people. But is it not natural to evolve? Is monotheism not just a step futher in the evolution?
jw husband says that 18 is still a minor according to wt doctrine, so if he has to shun his daughter there are certain things he can still do.
is this true?
is there an age where if a child is df'd that certain "allowances" are made (like younger child or child living with you)?
He does not have to shun here. There is room in the societies rules for normal seeing the person when it is a close family.
Eating together is a problem, and he can't talk about spiritual things with her. Other things are OK or allowable though!
I don't really think they have a rule set for the age of a minor, as it is legally different in some countries.
just want to share some thoughts...... as i read in another thread, there are only a few factors needed to have an evolutionary process.. copying, survival mechanism and some kind of random or prseudom random changes (mutations).. if we think of the image that people had of god or gods, this is applicable.
copying by stories, writing and traditions.
changes are obvious and the survival mechanism is also present as the way in which the view of god was most powerfull, believable etc.. anyway how did it evolve?.
Just want to share some thoughts.....
As I read in another thread, there are only a few factors needed to have an evolutionary process.
copying, survival mechanism and some kind of random or prseudom random changes (mutations).
If we think of the image that people had of God or gods, this is applicable. Copying by stories, writing and traditions. Changes are obvious and the survival mechanism is also present as the way in which the view of god was most powerfull, believable etc.
Anyway how did it evolve?
the 'lowest or earliest' form will probably be, the god-spirits. The dead people that are not believed to be dead, but keep on living as spitits.
A short step to this is the gods that are the cause of certain things. Like nature gods. A god for rain, for war, for the sun etc.
A next, bigger step is the almight god, a single god (montheism)
Is from this the next step, the good god, with a bad counterpart, the devil?
Then how come the trinity, imortal soul, angels etc in this picture. Are they remnants of a older step in this evolution?
Just some thoughs, feel free to comment or throw stones at this theory...
i know from going door to door that people are generally divided as to who god is.
what are your thoughts?
is jesus almighty god?
I thought this would be funny as you placed in in the humour section......
But anyway, I think the bible is not really clear about it, maybe even contradictionary.
well, if I be 'forced to make a choice', I would say that the trinity is false. It makes no sense at all.
but then it is a none issue for me now
...i thought i'd share this joke.
it was getting a little crowded in heaven, so god decided to change the admittance policy.
the new law was that in order to get into heaven, you had to have a really bummer day on the day that you died.
a real funny one,
i've noticed you all mention alot about p.o's c.o's and main elders and just plain elders then you have the watchtower.. just wondering how does things work in authority?
we have federal government, state government and mayors.. catholic church has, pope, vatican, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, priests, deacons and nuns.. soooooooooooo.
what are the positions in the jehovah'a witness religion????.
ah yes and there is the city overseer, and the branch overseer to
there are also schools that if people had them gives some status.
pioneer school (low)
ministerial training school
and the top: gilead school.
it is clear that there is no scriptural basis for disapproving of facial hair, coloured shirts or women wearing trousers at meetings or while preaching.
some of these rules seem to be regionally variable, but i think the rules on women's clothing are the same everywhere.. my question is - has there ever been any specific comments on any of these type of rules in any watchtower publication, ever?
and if not, how do we all know the rules?.
It is clever.
The BO tells the DO's they tell the CO's, they tell the elders.
But there is a lot of variety. Cultural cloating is normally accepted.
Here in some terretories women are advised to wear jeans.
Do you believe it if I told you I have given a public talk with a skirt on?
hi just want a little help with a paradise earth speech that jehovah's witnesses normally give.. i want to have this as my intro for my oral presentation.
can some people please help and tell me a typical paradise earth speech.. imagine that you have knocked on my door and i answered it now the presentation of yours...... evanescence
I don't think the Catholic church approves of it at all though nor does it support it.
So do the JW's, they do not approve or support it.
That have some stupid rules however that work in the favour of abusers, and it happens that child abuse is not reported etc.
Discipline and Child abuse seems much more common in the jw religion, I have never seen any of it at the Catholic church in my area, nor have I've heard any stories of it happening, the strange thing is though if the Catholic church was to slip up once or if one out of a million catholic priests is a petifile it gets all over the news and puts the Church in bad light, but the Jehovah's Witnesses seems to get under the radar and gets away with much more then the Catholic church ever will.
I am not so sure about this. I do not know this. I think there aren't much hard statistics around to prove or disprove it.
We had here quite a lot of scandals involving sexual abuse of catholic priests. In teh states there were a lot. There seem to be a lot of cases where no reports are made and the church has covered up.
About discipline, if it is right or wrong, and how much is ok, this is another subject.
But if I ever do see child abuse in the Catholic Church, i'd most likely do something about it, same goes if I ever visit a Kingdom hall.
Same goes for me. Never seen any child abuse though in KH.
LMAO!!! If i ever do become a Jehovah's Witness (apart from the fact that i'd most likely get Disfellowshipped in the first 5 minutes) I would be darn persistant on giving a speech, i'd annoy the elder until he either Disfellowships me or lets me give a speech! lol
I can tell you what will happen first.
by the way woman can give speaches, but not solo. They have to do their speach in the form of a demonstration with a householder. So that they are not teaching directly. (strange approach I agree).
don't know if anyone cited this previously here at jwd.. this is a very interesting, fair and accurate article summary of paper presented last june at a cesnur conference..
simon and jwd were mentioned!.
Here is the part about JWD:
Private Message Boards for Former Jehovah’s Witnesses
Nothing has been more controversial then the postings from private message boards for former Jehovah’s Witnesses. The most popular message boards are Jehovah’s Witness Discussion Board (JWD) started by Simon Green, and Jehovah’s Witnesses Online (JWO) Dan Ferro. Even within the anticult community JWD and JWO are said to be famous for “flaming” and even “cyber stalking.” JWD founder Simon Green is on the defense because of accusations.[xxxvii] There are reports that Green misrepresented statistics about the number of visitors to his site. This issue will be further researched. There has been one court case against a member of JWD and there are reports of cases pending against members of JWO.”
some comments on this:
Flaming: yes of course this is done here. That is quite normal on message boards. Different people
Cyber stalking: bit overreacting I think.
Case agains JWD member: This shows something of the writer of this article. But I heard that there is even a case agains a Jehovah whitness..... real big argument.
For me this messageboard is valueable. Lot of research is done. Lot of different opinions.
Of course half of what the people write is trash, but that is on every board, in every library etc.
About this article in general. It is true that JW did something good for religious freedom. They did this only for there own self interest however.
I just wonder how much religious freedom would there be if 90% of the people were JW's?