Hey Pink,
Who is running away? Does that mean if I stay here six weeks then leave for a spell, then I am running away? How about six days or six hours? Who are you to judge that? I have been on here (and the previous version) for various time periods for the last several years. The agnostic set here is famous for simply outlasting the rest of us.........I have a life to lead away from here. It would be refreshing to see some of the mini-Alans here come up with something original.
he he he, I think you mean me.
by the way I am not an agnostic.
first of all, I was not talking in general and not only you.
I see here a lot of people copy and pasting articles, without willing to defend them. This is strange, if you think this are good articles you must be willing to defend those articles. But many times when I make points against some of the things mentioned they are ignored, so I wonder what use it is to make them.
If you are willing, I am more then happy to discuss some of the statements. But discussion is only usefull when people are willing to listen to eachother, and validate there arguments.
Therefor it would be better not to just copy and paste and article and that is it.
Just start a thread and give your arguments in your own words, with links if you like.
To many people are of the "drag, drop and run class".