Posts by DannyBloem

  • Shining One

    Very good apologetics for honest seekers

    by Shining One in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    are you tired of the arrogant assertions of the elite ex-jw clique here?

    here is some powerful ammunition to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god"! .

    1. Leolaia
    2. myelaine
    3. myelaine
  • DannyBloem

    A lot to read, but here some quotes from it.....

    Never admitting when you are wrong
    Pride is a harmful thing. It caused the fall. It ruins marriages. It leads to anger and self-righteousness. It has no place in the Christian's life. Never admitting you are wrong is being prideful. If an atheist, or anyone, proves you wrong in something, be kind and courteous. Admit you made a mistake and go on.
    Ignoring Atheists' Questions
    If you were standing on a railroad track and a train was heading your way, closing your eyes and ignoring the locomotive will not make it go away. If an atheist asks a question and you ignore it repeatedly, it would be fair for him to conclude you were incapable of answering the objection.

    Generally, atheists are not stupid. Many of them have thought through their position over a long period of time. Some were raised in religious homes, have seen what religion has to offer, and have rejected it.
    Some atheists have presented very cogent arguments against the existence of God -- which need to be addressed -- and rest their eternity on their arguments.

    Maybe I'll post some more......

  • ozziepost

    What a Prat!

    by ozziepost in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    this evening mrs ozzie and i went to our favorite local restaurant - it's out in the outer suburbs, a lovely small thai restaurant - well, any food eaten with chopsticks is okay with us!.

    anyway, we entered and there at a middle table sat a family of three - father, mother and daughter.

    nothing unusual about that except, well it was the badge card that caught my eye.

    1. ozziepost
    2. Country_Woman
    3. ozziepost
  • DannyBloem
    The '97 shiraz is one of the greats of all time.

    You can't do much there down under, but you know how to make wine. Especially the Shiraz of australia is the best.....