I wonder if she has any pics of her doing naughty things with a Watchtower!
Count not find it. But I guess she will be willing to do so for some bucks
I wonder if the Insurance Commissioner for the State of Oklahoma
just watching a show now, kind of a reality show where a woman explains that she was a jw, and now is most known porno star here.. she was married also this week i think, and has her own show now.
funny.. can not post pictres here, they are all not really suitable.
but google for "kim holland".
I wonder if she has any pics of her doing naughty things with a Watchtower!
Count not find it. But I guess she will be willing to do so for some bucks
I wonder if the Insurance Commissioner for the State of Oklahoma
just watching a show now, kind of a reality show where a woman explains that she was a jw, and now is most known porno star here.. she was married also this week i think, and has her own show now.
funny.. can not post pictres here, they are all not really suitable.
but google for "kim holland".
Just watching a show now, kind of a reality show where a woman explains that she was a JW, and now is most known porno star here.
She was married also this week I think, and has her own show now.
Can not post pictres here, they are all not really suitable. But google for "Kim holland". That's her name
does anyone have any links to sites that have all the evidence that the arc and the flood couldn't have happened?
i'm debating someone who feels that neandertal man was actually the nephalim, which really i feel is quite laughable but i'll say (in typical jw fashion) whenever i'll bring up older specimens of early humans (i.e.
homo-erectus) they'll undoubtedly say "that's not a full skull in this picture" when right next to it in the picture is a nearly full skull or next to that is a full skeleton...really annoying.
ice core dating does give a reliable insight in past climatic changes (no flood to be found there)
for example: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3792209.stm
Global climate patterns stretching back 740,000 years have been confirmed by a three-kilometre-long ice core drilled from the Antarctic, Nature reports.....
consider jesus words in: matthew 20:28-29 (new international version).
"28 just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.".
who gave his life for us?
I honestly do not understand what is the big deal.
Who would not sacrifice his life for the world human race? I guess most of us would do it for a couple of persons they love, or for a large group. (like dying for your country etc)
Then also it was only temporary.
So can somebody explain to me why this is such a big deal, so more noble then other people's sacrifice
i was looking at jwconnections out of curiosity thinking i'd find a selection of prudish jw women but was shocked to find that some of these women don't look prudish at all.
they'ed probably give worldly women a run for their money.
maybe things are changing.
ha ha ha,
I just looked there, and know one of them.. so funny
i've just discovered google's video engine so i've treid it by finding something about jws
I read this thread 15 minutes ago, and notices I was singing the song in the movie
Anyway, of course a lot of JW and the WTS are not all bad. They do care for their fellow brothers and sisters (or for their sheep). probably they really want to help and do good, they have feelings also. (and that it is a nice opportunity for some preaching is a nice coincidence).
It does not say anything about right or wrong. Most cirminals love their mother. Many religions care about these things and help others. So?
Just give them the credit for this and move on to important issues
or are they just stringing the rank and file along, getting every ounce of work out of thier constituents, long enough to pull the next rabbit out of the hat?
those at the top, don't they see where they've made mistakes?
how can they continue in good conscience before the god they profess to serve?
My opinion:
The GB does think that they have the truth or better said, they really think they are Gods Channel.
They know very well that they do not know everything and have and had some things wrong. They do not want to make those things very big, as they feel this could stumble the sheep.
like so many people, i'm (very carefully)trying to convey the obvious "truth" about the wtb&ts to some of the members of my family.
is there any key point that "stands out" in your memory as pivotal in the opening of your eyes?
or any particular point that may have opened the eyes of your loved ones?
What tetra sais is exactly what happened to me.
1) it is very clear from science that the flood did never happen. jesus testified to this, so that did make jesus not very credible.
2) all the effidence does point out that evulution occured (or at elast partly) and that humans are older then the 6000 years, taht not all animals ete grass etc. for the flood.
So there was not a single Adam and Eve 6000 years ago, so there was no original sin, so no messiah needed, so no paradize.
This is not a small doctrine like 1914 or so. This is the basis, that I discovered was not true. Where is almost nothing left without it, so that is an eye opener enough.
I could have lived with the 1914 mistake, the UN issue, the child abuse cases etc. And still believe most of it, and still be a believing sheep. I )like many others) never believed that FDS was without error anyway.
consider jesus words in: matthew 20:28-29 (new international version).
"28 just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.".
who gave his life for us?
I think the romans,
They killed Jesus and lost their ethernal life doing so. They still did it to fullfill bible prophesy. jesus only lost his life for 3 days, they for ethernal. So who had the bigger sacrefice?
"the moon is slowly receding for the earth at about 4 centimeters (1.5 inches) per year, and this rate would have been greater in the past.
but even if the moon had started receding from being in contact with the earth, it would have taken only 1.37 billion years to reach its present distance from the earth.
this gives a maximum age of the moon, not the actual age.
This isn't that easy as it sounds. The moving away of the moon is not constant. The earth moon system is very complex.
Why does the moon move away, where does the energy go? There is always the law that energy can not be lost.
In the case of the earth moon system the energy goes into the friction caused by the tidal movement of the moon. That is why the moon is moving away.
So how much the moon moves away depends on the situation on earth. This rate could and was very different in the past. Especially in the situation of an iceball earth or in ice age periods.
there are many more things that influence this system.
We just can not calculate this exactly, and give a reasonable age of the moon by this method.