JoinedTopics Started by patchwrk
Watchtower in the News?
by patchwrk inwhy is there no follow up on the news in regards to cases that are being investigated.
i am constantly informed in the media about the progress of investigations involving the catholic religion, but news about investigations involving the wt society just seems to fade away.
a while back there was a lot of talk regarding pedophiles in the congregations, and then nothing.
Watchtower in the News?
by patchwrk inwhy is there no follow up on the news in regards to cases that are being investigated.
i am constantly informed in the media about the progress of investigations involving the catholic religion, but news about investigations involving the wt society just seems to fade away.
a while back there was a lot of talk regarding pedophiles in the congregations, and then nothing.
Please help non jw in love with a studying jw
by heather613 ini was engaged to a man and was pregnant last year we lived in different states for awhile when he started studying jw without even telling me.
he lied to me about why he couldn't move with me and after 5 months he finally did then out of nowhere he went back to georgia and hid his relationship with a female jw needless to say they got married.
when i ofund out by calling around he told me it was for convience not love and that he would divorce her he was having alot of problems and didn't want to hurt me.
The perfect spouse
by easyreader1970 insome of you are in dream marriages and some of you are in or have been in marriages from the pit of hell.
my question for today, boys and girls, is: have any of you had a spouse that has never been wrong, ever, in life?
to hear them tell it, that is.. anything that is wrong is not their fault (but most likely yours).