They look like they're all animatronic.
Do they break out in a chirpy rendition of "From House to House" when you press the start button?
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
They look like they're all animatronic.
Do they break out in a chirpy rendition of "From House to House" when you press the start button?
i'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
A couple more questions:
Was your walk-through of this program in the USA? As far as I know, the US branch does not have that much info on r&f publishers at the congregation level.
If not: Do you know of plans to roll this out in the USA? If so, when?
Did this program have any sensitive data that might compromise people in real life? It's one thing for Vlad the hacker to find out how many hours a JW had in field service in October 2014, and it's another matter entirely if he can look up a street address, a phone number, names & ages of children, etc.
omg, is this the apotheosis of bat-shit craziness or not?
The JW preaching message, boiled down to its essence:
"Worship God the way we tell you to, or God will slaughter you, your family, your friends, and 7 billion other people, real soon now."
To be fair, that is merely a variation on the essence of the "Christian Gospel" message that has been preached for ~2000 years.
heard this one again.
depending on the timeline i would be here because my parents were born before the date given this time and were "in".. that assumes they still met, the same wiggler got through, and on and on.. maybe things should hold iff forevwr as there are still future generations coming.
the combinations of who mates with whom and when are boggling.
Wanna blow a JW's mind?
"You would not exist if it were not for Adam & Eve's sin."
Example: My parents met in a roller skating rink in the midwestern USA. They lived there because their grandparents emigrated from eastern Europe due to economic hardships, working for the railroads and in coal mines. If Adam & Eve hadn't sinned, there would have been no roller skates, no rinks, no cars to travel to the rinks, no economic hardships, no railroads, no coal mines, etc. etc. If my parents had never met, I would not exist.
Now just repeat that for a few thousand generations, going back. My parents would not exist if their grandparents had not met due to living in a particular geographic location due to a unique set of circumstances brought on by injustice, hardship, war, crime, political upheaval, etc. etc. etc. My grandparents would not have existed if my great-grandparents had not met due to similar, but completely different, unjust circumstances, etc.
You, Mr. JW, fully owe your existence to Adam & Eve's sin.
the horrible rendering of John 17:3
I still can't get over how this monumental doctrinal change slipped past virtually all JWs without even a peep or murmur.
For decades - many decades - basically 1950 - 2013 - every, I mean every, baptism talk outlined the "steps to qualify for baptism".
Step number 1 was always "taking in knowledge" (as the old NWT put it), which of course meant a sit-down, hour-a-week, question and answer "Bible study".
Three times a year for 60+ years at baptism talks, plus countless WT articles, plus every study book....John 17:3 meant "getting head knowledge", studying a WT publication with a JW to get a mental understanding of God.
Not "knowing" God - no, no! That was the pagan-inspired Babylon the Great that mistranslated John 17:3 - it wasn't "knowing", oh no - it was "taking in knowledge" - a purely intellectual emotionless exercise.
Then one day in October 2013, bam!
From that minute onward, John 17:3 was "knowing" - you have to know God as a person, develop a "relationship" with him, etc. It's so much more than mere head knowledge! It's personal!
There was no WT study article explaining this change, there was no convention talk, there was no "Questions [we made up but we pretend they are] From Readers" on it - nothing. Just a complete 180 degree flip flop on a core fundamental teaching.
And now, just like Airstrip One has always been at war with Eurasia (or was that Eastasia), John 17:3 has always meant "knowing", not "taking in knowledge".
a recent printable kids activity asks kids to describe their feelings when marketing various jwdotorg products:.
meanwhile, here's a recent public post from harvest inn's social media profile:.
Kids are not very polished at hiding their true emotions.
That kid feels like every JW feels - but the adults know they "should" be happy, so they fake it.
so if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
does the cult have any safety net for these people
Ha ha....
Oh wait - you're serious?
OK, here's the "safety net":
Go back home and pray that Brother Wealthy, the one with the [window washing / janitorial / car detailing / whatever] business will ignore your utter lack of qualifications and real-world experience, and have enough pity on you to offer you a job at poverty-level wages.
seems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g..
They all sound like they have a sprinkle or two (or dash or whole damn shaker) of David Splane.
I consider Splane to be the Salieri (the version of him from the play / movie "Amadeus" anyway) of the WTS.
Mundane, insipid, plinky diddle-pieces.
He's got just enough talent to be boring.
david gelernter, a famed yale university professor, has publicly renounced his belief in charles darwin’s theory of evolution, calling it a “beautiful idea” that has been effectively disproven.. article.
Alternate headline: A computer science professor expounds on a topic far, far, far away from his area of expertise.
I wonder what Yale's "famed" Professor of English Literature thinks about whether Mochizuki has solved the abc conjecture?
it's very odd that the jan. 2020 watchtower was nearly 3 weeks later than normal.
another odd thing about this watchtower is that it has two articles (about the anointed) that is very similar to two articles they wrote only four years earlier.the fact that they have even reprinted two articles that are only four years old suggests that they continue to have numerous problems surrounding their teaching's of the anointed and problems with those claiming to be are a few of the differences between both the 2016 and 2020 articles -2016 watchtower states.
anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah just like everyone else.. 2020 watchtower statesof course, anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah through the congregation just like everyone else.. four years ago, they acknowledged that it was only jehovah who were teaching the anointed but the newest watchtower now states that it is through the congregation.watchtower 2016 states there will be 144,000 ruling with jesus in heaven.
Good analysis.
Actually, there are many "study" articles that are completely recycled. Sometimes virtually word-for-word copied and pasted.
Let's face it, there's only so many ways to present the primary, fundamental doctrines of JWs:
-- The GB are godlike and to be obeyed unquestioningly
-- You miserable rank & file JWs aren't doing enough
-- You miserable rank & file JWs aren't behaving well
-- We need your money
-- Bad guys are gonna get ya "very soon now", so shape up
-- You should treat anyone who disagrees with us as lower than the parasites who feed on pond scum
How many ways can you dress up those teachings? It's inevitable that things will be repeated.