How does anyone get to be a GB member?
Same basic formula - the 30 year plan:
-- Be an "organization man" through and through. The organization is by far more important to you than anything else in your life, including family. Sign up for every "privilege" possible - pioneering is just the first baby step. Get on the fact track to be a CO.
-- Start partaking of the emblems at a relatively young age, and this next part is crucial - keep your head down for 10-15 years as you do so, to appear to be "humble" in the face of inevitable side-eyes and even outright criticism - don't rock the boat, but still maintain your stance as a "company man".
-- Be noticed by someone already in power. One example of how to do this is handling a tough & infamous judicial (disfellowshipping) case with utter loyalty to organization norms (the crueler the decision the better you will be viewed).
-- Get invited to Bethel, demonstrate again and again over many years that you put Organization ahead of all, literally, ALL, else. Make sure current GB members see you as "valuable".
-- Wait for someone on the current GB to die.