Ooh, a demand!
I'm sure they'll get right on it....
...right after they answer the 48.987 other letters from other cranky ex-members telling them what exactly what they've got wrong.
Lotsa luck.....
brothers and sisters associated with the watchtower society may 9, 2020. i have tried to inform you of the necessary adjustments you ought to take in order to truly be in the truth.
but my efforts have remained fruitless.
you well know the biblical procedure.
Ooh, a demand!
I'm sure they'll get right on it....
...right after they answer the 48.987 other letters from other cranky ex-members telling them what exactly what they've got wrong.
Lotsa luck.....
posting for brother x. petra!.
if you were a child during the years of 1960 to 1970, the question isn't; do you remember these conventions?
the question is; how could you forget?
The coldest I have ever been in my life, literally, occurred at Three Rivers Stadium (Pittsburgh, long since torn down).
It was summer, fer gawd's sake, don't remember the date, but it was either July or August, because the conventions in Pittsburgh were always July or August.
Had to travel to Pittsburgh from Sir-town for the convention, so of course only packed clothes for summer.
Was working the food stand. Always got put at the food stand.
Anyways, for some reason, it was unseasonably cold that morning.
Our food stand was directly in front of one of the 4 main "gates" that served as entrances into the stadium.
In addition to the temperatures (in the 40s? below 10 C) being so cold, a fierce wind was blowing....directly from the direction that gate was facing....funneled into the narrow gate....right at the food stand.
Thought I would die.
Somehow (I guess because I was outranked) I got stuck at the coffee urn.
Of course, on such a cold morning, EVERYBODY wanted coffee.
It was maybe a 30 or 40 cup urn, took 5-10 minutes to brew if it was filled up. People were demanding coffee RIGHT NOW, they were in semicircular rows 5 deep, then 8 deep, then 12 deep, they had all paid their "food tickets" and were wanting the coffee they had ordered.
Poor little coffee urn, and me, couldn't keep up. But if you didn't give the people their coffee, the lines just got longer and longer and longer...
I have this foggy memory of freezing cold, fingers stiff, in pain from the wind whipping, in only short sleeves, splashing tan water with a hint of coffee flavoring (as the urn was not done brewing) into styrofoam cup after styrofoam cup, cup after cup after cup after cup after cup after cup....
Good times.
i have known many elders who were much more into the idea of being an elder and getting all the old ladies to tell them what wonderful talks they give and the power then really being a believer.
i had one elder tell me that when he became an elder he was on top dog on top of the heap.
i knew some who were really all about the religion and following the cult.
Rub a dub's elder categories are spot-on, though I would probably adjust the percentages.
This is one of those things that should probably, by now, no longer shock me, but still does:
A very large proportion of elders have virtually their entire identity wrapped up in being "an elder". It is Who They Are, period, full stop. Literally their whole life revolves around "elder stuff".
That's why it is so devastating if they are ever "removed" as an elder. Suddenly, their identity is torn away. Who are they? They've devoted virtually their entire existence to being An Elder, and now they aren't. They have no interests, no passions, no hobbies, no nothing. They're just a shell. It would be sad if it weren't entirely of their own (stupid) making.
first of all, this is my first post here on the forums even though i have been registered now for some time.
i have been faded from the jehovah's witness religion for many years now, but only recently within the past year or so gotten quite serious about it - crisis of conscience by ramond franz really kicked things off for me personally.. anyway, my wife, parents, step-sister and her husband and my half-brother are all still active jw's, so i am still exposed to them, and this is also the reason why i'm still "faded".
frankly i'd probably just as soon disassociate myself without the threat of being shunned.
The United Nations wouldn't have the ability to enforce fishing limits in a backyard pool, much less "come for your religion".
I wouldn't lose any sleep over the possibility that "maybe the JWs are right".
i was watching some of the may jw cult broadcast.
this push to be a movie studio and other things makes this cult seem like something else entirely from what i grew up in.
they really are trying to use anything they can to hook suckers into being cult members.
They really are trying to use anything they can to hook suckers into being cult members.
Well, there's something that hasn't changed!
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their cars.taxi-drivers must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
As far as symptoms and mortality go, this is the normal flu under a different name
67,000 US dead as of May 4.
Trump's own administration projects 3000 US dead per day within a month:
So the death count will likely blow past 100,000 in the US in just a couple of weeks, and still not anywhere near the peak.
I weep for the willful ignorance of people, whose selfish actions will prolong the crisis and cause hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths..
when to begin the countdown of the 2300 days?
to get an idea, it could be helpful to discern when those days end relative to time times and half a time.. i see a possibility that the 2300 days end the same day as the 1260 days.
that is because the woman in revelation 12 will be fed 1260 days.
Let me save you some time & effort spent typing all this folderol out...
Instead of all the numerology mumbo-jumbo, just say it is coming "soon", "very soon now", "imminently", etc. No need for complex calculations, and it has the added bonus of not being falsifiable.
Even the Watchtower, dumb as they are, has figured this out by now.
i'm new.. my first post here asking for a little support was deleted by myself due to the frosty and rude replies i received.
i don't actually understand what this forum is for if it is filled with hostile people.. little confused.. why is everyone here?.
Why is everyone here?
I heard there was free beer.
Thus far I have been sadly disappointed.
i’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks and i’m sort of surprised that no one else has introduced this topic!.
what better time than now for a fader to fade?
no meetings, no field service, no elder visits, no assemblies, no convention, and no other bullshit busy work going on.
Not sure it is an ideal time to fade.
Elders are contacting publishers at least weekly, in some cases daily, including people on the "inactive" list. If you don't answer a contact attempt, the calls / texts become more frequent and urgent.
Meetings are held on Zoom. Either your PC camera is on, so elders can see who is attending, or at least your name shows up as "signed on" even if you turn your camera off. There is "no excuse" for missing a meeting - it's right there at your home! No need to travel to the Kingdom Hall! If you're "tired", just sit on your sofa and watch!
Come to think of it, "fading" is virtually impossible now.
during our family worship tonight a thought popped into my head while watching this weeks video on demon influence.
why is does jehovah not like certain things?
like why is homosexuality wrong?
I had a simpler question on this week's video:
Why do all the JWs in the video take the "Bible student's" account of hearing voices at face value?
They immediately assume that oh yes, it absolutely, definitely, for a certainty, was a bunch of demons.
No one thinks that maybe, just maybe, the lady is mentally ill? Or hallucinating? Or having a bad reaction to medication?