What, you weren't immediately touched by the love & concern she had for a "lost sheep"?
Guess you still don't have the right "heart condition".
yesterday i got home from work and decided to buy a case of beer because, why not?
it’s monday.
the shop is conveniently round the corner from my place.
What, you weren't immediately touched by the love & concern she had for a "lost sheep"?
Guess you still don't have the right "heart condition".
...that their web site is the most translated in the world.. https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/most-translated-website.php.
do jw's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?
you can fool some of the people some of the time...there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!.
You reach a point of diminishing returns after a few dozen languages, let alone 1000+.
The 100th most common language in the world is spoken by about 7 million people, which is something like 0.1% of the population.
By the time you get down to language number 1000, you are at best in the 100's of thousands of speakers, probably less.
Consider all the millions of dollars sunk into building "Remote Translation Offices" all over the world, translating "literature" into obscure tribal African or Asian languages that maybe, at best, a couple hundred people will ever read.....
Why, you'd almost think that the WTS is more a real estate development corporation rather than a "religion".
greetings everybody !.
i've found the following article being useful specially for those seeing the "light" but not having the courage to leave .... written not by me.
imagine yourself back in first century jerusalem.... .
In my experience, the more psychedelically-colored and eye-pain-inducing the website, the less reliable its information is.
to all congregations in the united states branch territory .
re: jw congregation support .
dear brothers: .
I am wondering for what there is the need for this company?
Jehovah is the almighty grand lord of creation, setting in motion trillions of nuclear fusion reactors in billions of galaxies across billions of light years of time & space.....
Yet he needs to make sure that on one rock orbiting one of those stars, the proper legal documents are filed so that he doesn't pay any taxes.
i hear rumbling about the rank and file not having the same zeal they had when new.. lets see: door to door at the time least likely to find someone.
waste of a whole morning.
45 years (dare I say it? a whole generation) have passed since 1975.
Armageddon does not appear any closer to anyone not immersed in Kingdom Hall culture 24/7.
Boring meetings presented by untrained speakers who have nothing interesting or educational to say.
Who could possibly have "zeal"?
2019 december brd newsletter.
2019-s-1-e-congregation field service and meeting attendance report.
I just looked at that "WTResource" website.
They're selling a (literally) 21 year old 4-cylinder Mitsubishi SUV for 2800 pounds, about $US 3600.
That seems awfully high for a car built last.....century.
at this pace its going to take more than a thousand years to make earth a paradise .by my reckoning.. what have the g.b.
been saying about his kingdom reign now that its gone over 100 years ?
and what he has accomplished ?.
"The last days" have become "the last centuries".
asking 4 a friend.
I do know someone.
For what it's worth, I do believe he is really disabled. He's a complete mess, healthwise.
On the other hand, if you can go out in service daily, sometimes at 7 AM, couldn't you find some sort of work to do?
i never was a jw.
my question is pretty simple.
this watchtower is for january.
Look at the front cover of the magazine - it says "Study Articles for March 2 - April 5, 2020".
The first article will be studied during the week of March 2 (actual date will be March 8 for 99% of JWs who have their meetings on Sundays), the 2nd article the week of March 9 (actually March 15), etc.
Study article 5 will be studied (for 99%) on April 5, just before the Memorial.
i don't know what i am talking about... read this post at your peril.
back in the 1960s there was, seemingly, a brief period of relaxation in authoritarianism among jehovah's witnesses.
those who have read raymond franz's 'crisis of conscience' will have heard the story about dan sydlik's remark about the need to 'open some windows to let some air in here'.
It's been on a couple of their monthly broadcasts - or maybe one of their Gilead graduation talks or an annual meeting talk. Not in print.