I suspect they will direct that the Memorial be observed in field service groups, in private homes.
If things get much worse, they might even direct everyone to stay at home and watch via streaming.
let's see what "mother" directs in view of this latest news..
I suspect they will direct that the Memorial be observed in field service groups, in private homes.
If things get much worse, they might even direct everyone to stay at home and watch via streaming.
two facts to consider: 1) most baptisms take place during assemblies and conventions; 2) the theocratic year goes from september to august.
my theory: the borg changed the calendar of conventions and assemblies so to concentrate the baptisms in a single theocratic year.
if some conventions used to take place in july/august, for the 2018 series they moved them to september.
Doesn't seem likely - that would provide for a one year boost, but the following year the numbers would go right back down again.
What is far more likely:
Like it or not, JWs continue to have success in making converts in poor countries and/or countries where internet access is far less widespread than in North America & Europe. Their message of "your wealthy oppressors are all going to be killed by God soon, and then you will live in their place in paradise, if you just do what we say" is appealing to people who live in rickety hovels with dirt floors with no opportunity to escape poverty.
Those increases in South America & Africa are still (so far) more than offsetting the losses in NA, Europe, and Asia.
my wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Recently my wife has become Jehovah
Yikes! That's a real buzzkill.
Remember what to say if she asks "Are...you....a.....god???"
brilliant video by a friend of ours in exposing watchtower & the new temple farms/chelmsford branch.
https://youtu.be/dscsobamwsc .
And from gullible adherents who attend meetings, conventions, and assemblies, and who donate wads and wads of $$$ because they want to "express their thanks to Jah" for giving them....videos of old men rambling semi-coherently on topics of little interest.
so i am sure if you are at bethel and have the flu you just get time or what ever to recover, but what about serious sickness.
say you get cancer or some possible terminal illness?
what happens?.
If a "standard Bethelite" you get sent packing.
If you're a "Bethel heavy", they might send you packing but as a "special pioneer" so you get the monthly stipend & a few other perks.
If you are a GB member, or helper, or head of a department, or a Bethel lifer aged 80+, or a spouse of such, they may accommodate you within Bethel, allow you to stay and take up a bed in the infirmary.
ancient 'outlaw temple' discovered in israel.
the famous first temple was not alone.. a bird's-eye view of the temple, taken at the end of the 2013 excavation season.. (image: © p. partouche/skyview).
image 1 of 6. one of the two human-shaped figurines.
I often fantasize about time travel being somehow possible, then kidnapping GB members and various other obnoxious "Bethel heavies", and taking them back to Israel in, say, 1000 BC, or 500 BC, or 30 AD, just to watch their horrified expressions when they realize that the perfectly preposterous ideas they espouse about "pure worship" and what life was like in "ancient Israel" whatnot was all a bunch of complete & utter hooey.
I need to work on developing better fantasies, I know.
because he voiced his opinion on roger stone’s recommended sentencing as being grossly unfair, the democrats are talking about impeachment.. do they really think that impeaching him will mean that a democrat will get into the white house??.
it is crazy!!
Only in the U.S. could someone like this president be elected.
Brazil: Hold my beer.....
i was looking at my children's watch history on youtube when i saw that they were watching atheist content!!!
what should i do?
Watch it yourself? You might learn something.
this week's, 2-10- 2020 jesus lesson 103, parables of the fig tree, prematurely spreading leafs, cursed because of raising false expectations.
what a perfectly fitting facsimile for the fruitless fiction that the wt corporation has produced during "christ's presence" .
!8xy, 1914, 1925, 1975, 2000, 2075. by their [prophetic] fruits you will know them, or the figurative fig leafs, not even covering the bare wt facts.
Wt got only number 1914 right,
What did the WTS get right about 1914? Exactly and verifiably? What did they predict would happen in 1914, and what did happen?
the watchtower has taught for over a century that plague is part of jesus’ sign letting earth know he’s lurkin’.... combined with the recent acceleration by the chinese gubmint of ejecting jws from china, it’s no surprise that dubs are of the belief that ‘jehovah is punishing china’.. dubs must be expecting a few large earthquakes to strike china in the next weeks with possibly a war or two, to round out the pain of jesus’ sign to these wicked jehovah haters..
He didn’t believe me.
I would love to show him the studies.
Wouldn't make a difference.
"Studies? From the world controlled by Satan? You don't think he can influence scientists to lie? Or even manipulate the results of their experiments so that it works out to make Jehovah look like a liar?"
Seriously - it would be more productive and less painful to have someone drop cinder blocks on your head.