Hopefully Maxwell lives long enough to testify / flip.
There are some big names, BIG names, on both sides of the aisle, who are extremely nervous.
as i was researching some stuff about this epstein guy and came across postings about jessica leigh collins.. her twitter has most of her story: https://twitter.com/midnitemj but it is actively being suppressed by twitter - a regular search on twitter doesn't get her account as a result and none of her posts have been seen by more than a few hundred people.
many media outlets have tagged her as "russian troll" while she doesn't seem anything like it.
it certainly is way too detailed and is going on for way too long to be a troll nor is her story being artificially trended or upvoted, fact is, the posts have virtually no upvotes or retweets even though people elsewhere claimed they tried.. what i can gather is that she came out about being trafficked by epstein but quickly found out that nobody is actually interested in her story.
Hopefully Maxwell lives long enough to testify / flip.
There are some big names, BIG names, on both sides of the aisle, who are extremely nervous.
anyone else get a food box delivered by local congregation to your door - allegedly by the society?
i looked online and found a couple of youtube channels saying the society is taking food from food banks and giving it only to their congregations.
You want to know what's funny?
They keep stressing here that this is "practice" for when the "great tribulation" begins. They are testing their "distribution networks".
But....but....but...isn't the "great tribulation" when "the governments" decide to "destroy" all "false religions"?
How is it that "the government" wants to "destroy" a religion, but simultaneously provides free food for the members of the religion they are trying to "destroy"?
I can't figure it out. Must be too "deep".
any thoughts about this?.
More "struggles" for Biden in swing states that Trump won in 2016.
The [Russia / Taliban / bounty] issue is not yet reflected in these numbers.
Numbers at 50% or higher are highly significant, Trump campaign would have to change the minds of voters in order to win (rather than convince undecideds).
Election is ~4 months away.
Poll (6/26-28):
#Arizona: Biden 51% (+7) Trump 44% .
#Florida: Biden 50% (+5) Trump 45% .
#Wisconsin: Biden 51% (+8) Trump 43% .
#Pennsylvania: Biden 50% (+6) Trump 44% .
#Michigan: Biden 48% (+5) Trump 43% .
North Carolina:
Biden 51% (+7)
Trump 44%
all my jw life i was reminded constantly about the importance of not bringing reproach on jehovah's name.
decisions on whether or not to disfellowship an individual often turned, not on the seriousness of the sin, but on whether the incident was public knowledge and had resulted in bad publicity for the congregation.
i recall a middle-aged lady being reported to the elders for shoplifting a sweet worth less than £1- and the elders' insistence that a judicial committee must be formed because the store manager and staff knew that she was a jw (i successfully argued that all she needed was support for her dreadful family life, but that's another story).
The five groups will be banned from receiving federal funding and could lose tax concessions, including charitable status.”
New light alert!
It's quite amazing how often "new light" is prompted by changes in tax laws or a loss in a court case.
many of us have watched the gb #4 update.
most of us jumped for joy when they basically said that there will be no meeting in person for a long time to come.. one aspect we overlooked was how hard they hit home the "love of neighbor".
how this "love" is what makes a true christian and as a result our love for our neighbors will motivate us to stay at home.. well now they released a letter that is instructing all kh's to view this video during their local needs part.
You show your face for the first two minutes and then shut down the video and go and cut the grass.
In our congregation fully half the attendees shut down the video for the whole meeting. I strongly suspect there are adult beverages and other "stuff" going on.
it’s no secret that the mainstream media runs the show and that they can’t stand trump.
for good reason because trump has been demeaning to journalists on several occasions.. life lesson for donald trump: don’t make fun of people that have the power to destroy you!
nobody likes getting laughed at.. don’t get me wrong.
For the record:
Covid-19 doesn't care who the president is.
Covid-19 will be around long after January 20, 2021.
Covid-19 won't stop spreading exponentially in the US until people figure out that wearing / not wearing a mask is not a political statement, it is the only current practical treatment available to slow the spread of the disease. Wearing a mask is a medical treatment, it is not a referendum on "constitutional rights".
That is all, carry on.
i am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
I think that idea bothers the vast majority of JWs, who are not really psychopaths.
But they cope with it by either not thinking about, or rationalizing that "Jehovah would never do evil, if those people die it will be because they really did deserve it...somehow", or maybe that Jehovah wouldn't actually have to do much killing, people would slaughter one another. Or as SBF said, there would be a lot more who "made the cut" than just baptized, active JWs & their kids.
You were a manly elder!
The wanna-be's had those bags but with wheels and a telescoping handle.
It takes a real man to heft a 40 pound book bag with one hand into the Kingdom Hall.
yes, he a republican.
but come on.. am i expected to come in, have a couple of shots, a few beers and leave by noon?
what time should i arrive, 9:30am?
Over 41,000 new cases in the USA yesterday - highest ever.
Nearly 6000 new cases in Texas alone yesterday.
Florida has had its 19th consecutive peak in average new cases. New cases Wednesday: 5511. New cases today: 8942.
Meanwhile, at this very moment, the head of the coronavirus taskforce is giving a self-congratulatory speech on C-Span.
any thoughts about this?.
Latest polls in 6 states Trump won in 2016:
Polls (6/8-18):
FLORIDA: Biden 47% (+6) Trump 41% .
ARIZONA: Biden 48% (+7) Trump 41% .
NORTH CAROLINA: Biden 49% (+9) Trump 40% .
PENNSYLVANIA: Biden 50% (+10) Trump 40% .
MICHIGAN: Biden 47% (+11) Trump 36% .
WISCONSIN: Biden 49% (+11) Trump 38%
Quite a struggle.
If this holds until election day, Trump has virtually no path to victory.