JoinedTopics Started by NoMoreMeetings
does god listen to prayers?
by el jarocho mayor inwhen people pray does god listen?
does he care?
when prayers are "answered", is that proof of a divine being?
Pastor's Meeting
by NoMoreMeetings inlast week i had the opportunity to address 75 pastors about my experience.
as a third generation jw.
i had been an elder until walking away 3 years ago.
Dead Relative Due To Blood Policy?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to hear comments from anyone who had a relative die because of the watchtower society's misguided policy on blood transfusions.. alanf
Time to tell my story
by NoMoreMeetings inmy life story leaving jw's came out in the following newspaper article.
thought i'd share it with all of you.. i was an elder for 8 years.
for 2. left in 2002.. .
by jst2laws init has been difficult getting my old database to accept new info and then there was no way to edit the old thread so this is it on a new thread.
this is a follow up from the older: .
yrs bethel
A lurker no more! I have a question about exit counseling for ex-JWs
by True North ini've been lurking on this board for a couple of months now, taking it all in.
i've really appreciated and enjoyed reading your postings and it's all been very helpful.
i have now a question i'd like to ask.
Need help...I am so confused....(this will probably be rambling)
by stephaniesays ini started going to church.
i am going to a baptist church just because they have a great youth program at this one, and my daughter (12) has really gotten into it, which i think is a positive thing.
i have never really taught her anything about religion because i never knew what i believed, and i am having to confront now, what exactly it is that i do believe.
My experience and motives
by Noumenon ini'm an inactive dub.
i still ponder a lot on my true motives and the chain of events and developments in my heart and mind that have led to where i am.
here's my story anyway.
Help, Advice Needed on Not Talking to Parents....
by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! ini feel like absolute s*(& after a long conversation with my sister this afternoon.
she's in the org.
and told me that if i won't have a relationship with my parents then she won't have one with me.
My wifes and I meeting with two elders. Their true colors shine through
by Winston Smith :>D ini thought id give you an update re whats going on.
my qing the wts of recent has been very hard on my wife.
if i could, i would change my timing of doing so, but its just the way it has happened.