The issue of the world ending in 1975 brings to mind THE most embarrassing memory of my time in the borg apart from the public reproof and df'ing of course.
I was in my first year of high school and you know what teenagers are like, they just love a target.
Welllll..... my dear dear father - god bless him - made a huge sign up to sit on the top of the '57 chevie he owned, which I might add was the only one of its kind in our SMALL home town, and the sign read
with some blurb after it, can't remember what the rest of it was. Well do you think we didn't cop s&%@t ? Damn right we did. He drove around with that ridiculous sign for almost a year LOL.
I can laugh about it now but I remember wanting armaggedon to come sooner or the earth to open and swallow me up whichever came sooner. Did anyone elses olds do this?
Thanks for the memories Mulan.