Jesus then proceeded to define exactly what God views as a morally permissible marriage.
In short, who the hell cares what a fictional tribal deity is said to think what is 'morally permissible'?! A great deal of what is 'morally permissible' in the Bible is despicable.
For example, Deuteronomy 22:28, 29:
“In case a man finds a girl, a virgin who has not been engaged, and he actually seizes her and lies down with her, and they have been found out, 29?the man who lay down with her must also give the girl’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife due to the fact that he humiliated her. He will not be allowed to divorce her all his days.
Not doing well with the ladies? Just rape a virgin, then buy her from her father. Mission accomplished - married for life.
And let's not forget the 'satisfying' answer to 'Where did Cain get his wife?' - It's perfectly fine to marry your sister or niece.
Ah... such a 'wonderful' source of morality.
The fact is that Christians happily ignore the moral repugnance of the Bible until it happens to accord with their own bigotry.