The lib policy which stopped the boats saves lives
The 'lib policy' didn't 'stop the boats'. World conditions (for example in Sri Lanka in 2009) generate different waves of asylum seekers, compared to other periods where there are fewer asylum seekers. The 'libs' quite happily - and equally dishonestly - claim that 'their policy' 'stopped the boats', whereas there were actually other international factors, for which the policies of the 'libs' were entirely incidental. It is quite naive to believe that Howard's policies, in isolation from everything else, 'stopped the boats'.
because it make the journy in those boats worthless so they stop. Even under the Labor policy mahy people still die along the way. WHy dont you tell the truth and talk about this ?
Under any policy, people who take actions that are independent of the policy may still die, or may have any of various other outcomes. But a policy that increases the likelihood that people may hear that a particular action won't get them into Australia, then it's more likely to decrease the number of asylum seekers trusting people smugglers and attempting to arrive by boat.
Secondly its not the Lib fault those irresponsible people get on boats they know are in terrible shape. Its their own fault, the blame for the deaths belongs with them. Just this year hundreds have died along the way, there have been numerous stories about this, where many drown or go missing. By keeping the current policy, many of these people try their luck and die.
The current policy dissuades people from coming by boat, because they won't be settled in Australia. Of course, not all refugees will hear about whatever policy is in place, but the likelihood of those people drowning will be the same irrespective of the policy. People who are desperate enough to pay people smugglers - often spending their entire life savings - and get on board a dangerous boat are not victims of Australian policy. They are victims of the people smugglers who greedily take advantage of those people's desperation.
The actual number of people who arrive by boat is actually relatively small compared to the number of refugees Australia takes each year, and despite claims of the 'libs', Australians in general - apart from a xenophobic minority - do not feel 'swamped by boat people'. The main concern (among sane people) is that it is too dangerous to attempt to get to Australia on a leaky overcrowded boat.