Whats the gist of the term "bum witness" mentioned at the event.
See Genesis 9:22; Leviticus 18:6-19; Exodus 20:26; Ezekiel 16:35-37.
See also Genesis 19:4-5; Judges 19:22.
so was it all just a new bible release or was there any doctrine changes, etc?
Whats the gist of the term "bum witness" mentioned at the event.
See Genesis 9:22; Leviticus 18:6-19; Exodus 20:26; Ezekiel 16:35-37.
See also Genesis 19:4-5; Judges 19:22.
so was it all just a new bible release or was there any doctrine changes, etc?
Julia Orwell:
What does sister proof mean?
See Genesis 31:35; Leviticus 15:19-27.
the title says it all.
For myself I don't care it family members that has me concerned.
Yeah, what he said.
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
It's most likely a co-incidence, but the AGM falls on the first day of Heshvan, the 8th month in the Hebrew calendar.
According to JW belief, 1 Heshvan is when Zechariah began to prophesy ('evidently').
*** pm chap. 6 p. 93 par. 5 Calling a Nation to Return to Jehovah ***:
When in that second year of King Darius I (520 B.C.E.) did Zechariah the grandson of Iddo begin to prophesy? Zechariah’s own book of prophecy informs us in its opening words, saying: “In the eighth month in the second year of Darius the word of Jehovah occurred to Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet.”—Zechariah 1:1.
The eighth lunar month, of twenty-nine days, was called Heshvan, and was an autumn month. The day of the month is not given in the prophecy. Evidently it was the first day of Heshvan, the day of the new moon, when many Jews would celebrate in Jerusalem.
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
Maybe it will be nothing more than a load of made up "experiences" and a NWT with a new grey cover.
Maybe they'll get rid of some of the 'inconvenient' cross-references, like the one for Jeremiah 25:12 that points to Daniel 5:26,30 for the end of the '70 years', contradicting their own teachings. Morons.
stream will be on if anyone know login details let us know.
The cliff notes will be posted here shortly after it ends, save your time for something worthwhile!
Indeed. I don't think I could stomach sitting through a recording of the whole tedious brainwashing session. I'm more than happy to see a transcript or just a summary of the significant bits. To that end though, it would certainly be helpful if someone records it.
stream will be on if anyone know login details let us know.
JW GoneBad:
Assuming you have a good quality cell phone with a long battery life, (after all the AGM does last 3 1/2 hours) how about getting a JWN member's phone number (someone who is tech savvy), calling their phone number and leaving your phone on throughout the program so that the JWN member at the other end can record it and eventually post it here online.
I'm guessing mobile phone calls cost a lot less where you live?!
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
Can I just say how incredibly excited I am to hear what happens at the AGM?
Only joking. Tosspots the lot of them. Who cares!
I would tend to agree. But I have relatives in the bizarre little religion, so I'm left wondering if they're going to become even more nutty than they already are. Or if the GB might say something so outlandlishly stupid that might help my relatives to see the light and escape.
i just thought i would have another look at the december 2013 watchtower in light of the agm tommorrow.
slimboyfat had pointed out that even though there is a whole study article on the memorial, there is not one mention of the 144,000 (by number) and it may become new light that the number is no longer literal.. anway i came across this bold outright lie.
page 22 para 4.
there is not one mention of the 144,000
Very unlikely that they're backing away from it being a literal number.
In the last few years, the number of partakers has been going up at the 'memorial', though it's supposed to be going down. Because 144,000 is a fairly big number, it's not in their interests to mention it, as it may imply that there's still spaces left.
Basically their point is: "Attention JWs: Heaven is full!"
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
When did KoolAid Man start wearing clothes?