Jeffro are you hard of understanding? I did not say it would stop parodies. But presumably such a parody could not be done legally using the new font, if it has been copyrighted. Much of the power of the parody on the other thread lies in the use of the same font as the NWT.
You're just further demonstrating your own ignorance. The existing parodies don't use the same font either. For example, look at the "2" - the NWT character has a distinct loop at the top of the 2 absent from the parody. Look at the "P" - the old NWT character is wider relative to its height. The loop at the base of the "t" is more distinct in the NWT font. The extension at the top of the "g" is also distinctly different. They're already different fonts.

Screenshot from parody image on forum compared to fonts embedded in PDF version of 2006 revision of New World Translation.
Parodies will not lose their power on the basis that characters are very slightly different.