The latest edition of the Free in Christ Ministries Journal
Sounds like a credible source...
the latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
The latest edition of the Free in Christ Ministries Journal
Sounds like a credible source...
if so or he did at anytime before or after his death please if you can provide scriptures.
i may need these for ammo when two elders come to my home this week.
(Daniel 9:27) 27 “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.. . .
That has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus at all. It relates to a period about 200 years earlier. It was only later co-opted by Christians as a so-called 'messianic prophecy' about 'Jesus'.
(Matthew 27:50, 51) 50 Again Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and yielded up [his] spirit. 51 And, look! the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
There's no evidence that ever actually happened.
i ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
When I left I never took it upon myself to make traditional holidays a big thing
It's one thing to choose not to celebrate any particular thing. But it's quite another thing to (claim to) 'not understand' that people enjoy celebrations. That's just stupid, and a bit sad.
who was in any doubt that our jw believe is a marketing model, see this pictures of the still existing hq of jw at columbia heights.. earlier comments on jwn that something is going to change in the organisation, these comments are true.. in a few years we will not talk about the watchtower society, we wil talk about jw.org.
i think the current leadership will make a transfer to a new start.
That was in the Rutherford era.
Yes. But so was the subject of steve2's comment.
who was in any doubt that our jw believe is a marketing model, see this pictures of the still existing hq of jw at columbia heights.. earlier comments on jwn that something is going to change in the organisation, these comments are true.. in a few years we will not talk about the watchtower society, we wil talk about jw.org.
i think the current leadership will make a transfer to a new start.
No, Steve I mean the literal expression JW, not Jehovah's witnesses, the words J and W.
That is exactly what was on the banners in 1931. The letters - J & W.
i ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Stand for Pure Worship:
Jeffro, you know Jethro?
'Jeffro' is a not uncommon nickname for Jeffrey, and has an entirely different etymology to Jethro.
I thought it was ironic anyway and not a slight towards you.
It might have been ironic if I'd misspelled my username. You should probably get a better understanding of what "irony" means.
Doing calls yesterday, a sister who is a pioneer raised the question about what do worldly people get out of holidays, especially Christmas. None of us in the car group were able to answer as it's all foreign to us. One brother who came into the truth later in life couldn't answer either and his wife celebrates with his sons and extended family.
You're all either lying (masking envy) or a bit simple. There's nothing fundamentally unusual about people experiencing enjoyment, and no good reason why even someone who doesn't celebrate a particular holiday wouldn't understand why others enjoy celebrations generically.
an average of five kingdom halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where jehovah's witnesses have a presence, etc.. need i go on?.
on the other hand........... crisis of conscience, freeminds, the awaa, jw.net, ummmmmm........hmmm........idk six screens or something?
not exactly working out for you guys.
Stand for Pure Worship:
One thing that surprised me, was a couple posts which attempted to compare the growth of other religions with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I don't think that's a fair comparison.
So... that's not a fair comparison, but you imagine there's some logic in comparing a corporation run by donations and slave labour with former members who for the most part aren't remotely interested in the 'competition' you've dreamed up??
i ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Stand for Pure Worship:
Well, I'll be darned, someone with a name like Jeffro discovered my typo.
However, can any of you say that the holidays you've celebrated, have left you with cherished memories? Did you have an unforgettable New Years? A Thanksgiving or Christmas that will bring a tear to your eye years from now? A Valentines Day that made you forget about life's irritations if even momentarily?
Are you seriously that naive?! Most people have warm memories of such occasions. Certainly more so than any JW meeting or convention.
Any thoughts about trying to defend your religion's contradictions of their own beliefs with the new translation of Jeremiah 29:10? Or is that all too hard?
i ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Stand for Pure Worship:
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrity holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
The leading question is predicated on a false premise, in regard to the use of the subjective use of the words "truth" and "happiness". And "celebrity" isn't a verb.
While I'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, I can't deny my curiosity about ex-JWs that do celebrate. Do the holidays do anything for you?
Are you genuinely that naive? If you have ever experienced any occasion where family and friends have enjoyed time together, then you should know that such times are pleasant, irrespective of the 'reason'.
SFpw, wow, at least an attempt to be humbly inquisitive. Great.
If only that were the case. There's nothing humble about the question at all. It's supposed to elicit some ethereal drivel about 'true' 'happiness'.
who was in any doubt that our jw believe is a marketing model, see this pictures of the still existing hq of jw at columbia heights.. earlier comments on jwn that something is going to change in the organisation, these comments are true.. in a few years we will not talk about the watchtower society, we wil talk about jw.org.
i think the current leadership will make a transfer to a new start.
Stand for Pure Worship:
For one thing they have nothing to hide or distance themselves from.