didnt want to go down in history as a bull s..t artist
After your attempted invalid correlation of currencies, I'm afraid that horse has bolted.
Ewe is spoken in Ghana and Togo (mainly Ghana). Of those, only Togo uses francs.
in case you were in doubt, the suggested weekly rate is.
page 8 nov 15 2013 study edition .
didnt want to go down in history as a bull s..t artist
After your attempted invalid correlation of currencies, I'm afraid that horse has bolted.
Ewe is spoken in Ghana and Togo (mainly Ghana). Of those, only Togo uses francs.
as evidence piles up, will we reach a tipping point where people begin accepting the age of humans existence?.
he described as "phenomenal" the preservation of the finds, whose location as many as 5 feet deep in oxygen-free sediment had protected them from decay.. they include a suwannee projectile point -- a spear point -- whose estimated age of 10,000 years puts it "right at the cusp of the end of the ice age," arbuthnot said.
As evidence piles up, will we reach a tipping point where people begin accepting the age of humans existence?
Don't most people already accept this?!!!
god, evidently, wants you to be poor: .
a newly baptized brother is married, and he and his wife have three small children.
one day, a workmate suggested that he and the brother move to another company that paid a higher wage and provided more benefits.
Stand for Pure Worship:
SMH at this thread.
SMH at SfPW.
You don't understand why people enjoy celebrations. You don't understand practicality, self-sufficiency or financial security. You don't understand why people don't fall for Watch Tower's empty 'promises' of the magical 'end' coming 'soon'.
What has that crazy religion done to you?
god, evidently, wants you to be poor: .
a newly baptized brother is married, and he and his wife have three small children.
one day, a workmate suggested that he and the brother move to another company that paid a higher wage and provided more benefits.
Why is the Watchtower so afraid for anyone to miss a meeting? Time control is part of cult indoctrination, it keeps people constantly busy trying to please a never satisfied organization, so they do not stop to question anything.
Not only is it about 'busywork', but it's also about maintaining 'group think'. The 'information' at JW meetings is extremely repetetive in nature ("end is coming" "do more" "world is evil" "jehovah is magical"). So much so that even the most mundane variation, such as a 'tract campaign', is considered a 'special announcement'. The somewhat delusional teachings need to be continually reinforced, because otherwise the rational part of the mind begins to see the ridiculous teachings for that they are.
just wanting estimations on "how long do you think it will be before the society allows internet witnessing as another avenue of preaching".
i feel it will only be a matter of time.
they have to do something to counteract all the negative stuff.
Because JW preaching is self-reported, there's already nothing to stop JW apologists from counting the time they spend 'preaching' on forums such as this one.
That said, much of the time of 'actual' 'preaching' reported by JWs involves transit rather than actual preaching, especially in rural or semi-rural areas (as well as time spent in a great many coffee shops).
The number of 'peak publishers' is also distorted in JW 'preaching' figures because individuals who fail to report in a particular month can submit two reports the following month, artificially inflating the count.
For all they do to increase the purported number of hours spent 'preaching', it just makes their conversion ratio look worse.
since i have my own software to track pdf publication uploads and changes on and simplify publication downloads, i looked behind the reasons why certain publications had been updated this last month (first the know the truth tract in hungarian which i knew of it didn't have any recent textual revisions, and then bible teach book, which had suffered a further update the picture on page 3 was replaced).
i noticed one little procedural change, which 99 percent of the witnesses won't even notice, but the publications printed since the start of this service year no longer have "all rights reserved" on the publishers' page.
first i thought it was a mistake, but it's for real.
The crappy quality is because the PDFs uploaded to have all images reduced to 150 ppi.
That sounds pretty ridiculous for a large publishing company that has always claimed to be on the forefront of publishing technology. They managed to come up with unnecessarily large files and still have crappy quality. Genius. It's quite odd that they haven't since replaced the large files with smaller files of better quality, at least in the more common languages.
And the Greatest Man book probably needs some 'New Light'™ updates anyway...
i have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
because I knew what I was going to say and what she would say and then I would say
This may be delayed memory formation, resulting in remembering it before the actual memory of experiencing it has fully formed, giving the impression that you knew about it in advance. The earlier dream would only need to be superficially similar to the subsequent conversations where the actual delayed memory formation was taking place.
Or it could just be a distorted memory of a dream which is later incorrectly recalled as 'exactly the same'.
since i have my own software to track pdf publication uploads and changes on and simplify publication downloads, i looked behind the reasons why certain publications had been updated this last month (first the know the truth tract in hungarian which i knew of it didn't have any recent textual revisions, and then bible teach book, which had suffered a further update the picture on page 3 was replaced).
i noticed one little procedural change, which 99 percent of the witnesses won't even notice, but the publications printed since the start of this service year no longer have "all rights reserved" on the publishers' page.
first i thought it was a mistake, but it's for real.
No, it's not scanned. The old version of MEPS Composition (pre-1997) generated text as a separate layer of black and white (1-bit) bitmap. Current reprints use the latest renditions on file.
Seriously? Well the glyphs are crappy quality (these could have been output to the bitmap at a higher resolution but weren't), and there's no text recognition apart from the re-done covers and the table of contents. Very poor.
since i have my own software to track pdf publication uploads and changes on and simplify publication downloads, i looked behind the reasons why certain publications had been updated this last month (first the know the truth tract in hungarian which i knew of it didn't have any recent textual revisions, and then bible teach book, which had suffered a further update the picture on page 3 was replaced).
i noticed one little procedural change, which 99 percent of the witnesses won't even notice, but the publications printed since the start of this service year no longer have "all rights reserved" on the publishers' page.
first i thought it was a mistake, but it's for real.
I was just doing some checking on the downloads site, and found it amusing that whilst most of the publications are 'proper' generated PDFs, the Greatest Man book is a dodgy scanned version. They haven't even done text recognition on the actual content of the book.
Bible Stories book is also a dodgy scan.
I looked behind the reasons why certain publications had been updated this last month
Moving away from the re-scanned versions to PDFs generated from scratch is probably the reason.
since i have my own software to track pdf publication uploads and changes on and simplify publication downloads, i looked behind the reasons why certain publications had been updated this last month (first the know the truth tract in hungarian which i knew of it didn't have any recent textual revisions, and then bible teach book, which had suffered a further update the picture on page 3 was replaced).
i noticed one little procedural change, which 99 percent of the witnesses won't even notice, but the publications printed since the start of this service year no longer have "all rights reserved" on the publishers' page.
first i thought it was a mistake, but it's for real.
Just a guess, but it's probably because they say (elsewhere) that the literature is "published by Jehovah's Witnesses", which - unlike the Watch Tower Society - isn't a corporation.
In any case, the use of "All rights reserved" is essentially redundant with respect to copyright law, and has been since 2000.