The JW dogma about 607 BCE contradicts the Bible. Click here for more information about how the Bible does not support JW chronology. 1914 is a house of cards.
Posts by Jeffro
Quick! Help Needed for TTATT!!!
by HeyThere inmy husband is actually asking me questions about the governing body saying they are the mouthpiece of jehovah and the whole jesus invisible rulership in 1914 etc.
i am looking up stuff now to show him but if you have any proof, qotes, etc.
to help me wake up my husband please send to me now asap!.
1500 year old text reports Jesus not Crucified
by designs infound in 2000 with a group of antiquity smugglers this bible contains the gospel of barnabas according to the report in the national turk.. written in aramaic this gospel account was omitted by the church during the period of the council of nicea.. the text maintains a story similar to islam regarding jesus being a great prophet.. is has a reported value of $28million and is said to be in the museum of ankara..
Cold Steel:
Jesus was called the "second Adam" because as Adam brought death into the world, Jesus brought life.
That claim in itself demonstrates to reasonable people that the whole story of Jesus' 'ransom' is nonsense. It is a very well established fact that 'Adam' never existed, so hinging the supposed 'ransom' (even though knowing you'll get something back after 3 days isn't really a ransom anyway) on the supposed actions of an obviously fictional character should be a clear sign to any educated person that the story about Jesus is just as fake as the whimsical folklore of Genesis. That said, the 'Gospel of Barnabas' is just pro-Islamic nonsense instead of pro-Christian nonsense.
"we must be ready to obey, even if it doesnt sound reasonable from a human standpoint"
by stuckinarut2 inso its now all clear!.
the reason why that damned wt article several months back said the quote:.
"we may be asked to do something by jehovahs organization, and we should be ready to obey even if it doesnt seem reasonable from a human standpoint or not".
This thread got me thinking about how else the phrase "ready to obey" is used in JW literature.
A very powerful method of getting ideas into someones head without too much effort is through music, especially familiar music.
The old JW song, Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty used to have the lines:
Stay awake and keep your senses,
Always ready to obey.
In his place each one be heeding
What Christ Jesus has to say.
From his fine example, we discern
How Jehovah’s favor all can earn.
So, as one, we serve as an army,
Ever loyal to God’s way.It was changed to give greater prominence and authority to the JW leadership:
Stay awake, and keep your senses,
Always ready to obey,
Stay alert to Christ's direction
Through his faithful slave today.
Heed the counsel of the older men,
Who protect his sheep and truth defend.No longer just about listening to Jesus - a fairly standard and relatively benign Christian trope, it is now explicitly about obeying the self-proclaimed 'Governing Body', who supposedly (and entirely unverifiably) are providing 'Christ's direction'.
To make the song even more 'hypnotic' than before, what was previously the final part of the last verse has been made a 'chorus' at the end of every verse:
Stay awake, stand firm, and grow mighty!
Carry on right to the end!Run. It's a cult.
Jehovah's Witnesses's Matthew 24:14 Good News of the Kingdom.. A different Good News Galatians 1:9
by objectivetruth injehovah' witnesses use matthew 24:14, and their world wide preaching work, as proof, that they are the only "organization" that is doing jehovah's will.. what if the good news that they are preaching is a false good news or as paul would call it "a different good news"?
is there any value to a world wide preaching work, that is preaching a false good news?
or should that entire work be accursed?.
To be Accursed is a very serious matter.
Really? Why's that then? Does it upset the monsters under my bed?
If God is real?
by suavojr inif after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
1/ What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!
- There's only weak evidence that Jesus existed at all.
- There is no evidence that Jesus said anything attributed to him in the Bible, none of which was writtten during Jesus' alleged lifetime.
- The things Jesus is supposed to have said about 'the end' were about conditions under Roman rule, leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
- All of the elements of the supposed 'composite sign' have continually happened throughout the entire period since Jesus.
Are we all actually "bad / evil / immoral" after leaving the faith?
by stuckinarut2 inso recently there have been several posts with references to talks and articles that imply the following:.
most of those who learn ttatt or fade from the "truth", are actually practicers of bad things, eg immorality, hence that is why 'we' now find fault with the org?.
i find this so offensive that they imply such.
Funny how happy they are living in a black and white world, where reality is far from that.
Indeed. But the thing is, not all JWs are happy either. They're told that JWs 'as a group' are 'the happiest people' (and they're told to tell people that JWs are happy), but that gives no consideration to individuals, who are largely beset by the same problems as everyone else (which is 'counteracted' in JW propaganda with the claim that JWs avoid things like drug addiction or unwanted pregnancies [etc], ignoring the fact that a) those problems also exist among JWs and b) not all 'worldly' people live that way either). On top of that are those who only go along with it because they don't want to be shunned.
Are we all actually "bad / evil / immoral" after leaving the faith?
by stuckinarut2 inso recently there have been several posts with references to talks and articles that imply the following:.
most of those who learn ttatt or fade from the "truth", are actually practicers of bad things, eg immorality, hence that is why 'we' now find fault with the org?.
i find this so offensive that they imply such.
The Watch Tower Society indoctrinates people with a belief that they should search for 'truth', then vilifies people who actually do so.
The mechanism of JW shunning through an ambiguous announcement, coupled with the unverifiable assertion that 'most' are 'removed' for 'immorality' is essentially slanderous.
OK..Seriously..Has GOD ever answered your prayers????
by DATA-DOG inlook...i am not an atheist.
even so, i have never had one prayer answered my entire life.
the only thing that would even come close was learning ttatt.
Someone who prays frequently about things that are either mundane or only slightly unlikely is certain to have some of those prayers 'fulfilled'. The 'success' rate is exactly equal to chance.
Compounding the delusion that the 'successes' are 'answered prayers' is the fact that all the failures are either explained away (e.g. "God knows what we 'really' need"), or simply ignored altogether.
OK..Seriously..Has GOD ever answered your prayers????
by DATA-DOG inlook...i am not an atheist.
even so, i have never had one prayer answered my entire life.
the only thing that would even come close was learning ttatt.
I told her she needed a Christian to pray for her.
“Do you know a Christian?" She asked.Why would she bother asking that? Who other than a self-professed Christian would tell some old lady she 'needs a Christian to pray for her'?!
I paused for a moment, thinking, his faith was just as weak as my own. Finally I blurted out, “I'm a Christian, I will pray for you.” She was happy with that. So as she sat there I placed my hand on her head a began to pray....when all of a sudden, I started speaking with bold authority in the power of the Spirit...and she lost consciousness.
I sat there waiting for her to wake up. When she finally did she was calm and collected. She walked over to me and took my hands and said...”These could make money...."So... what you're saying is... an old agitated lady fainted, and she was calm after she regained concsciousness. Calm is pretty much the default just after regaining consciousness. What would you expect?!
That's possibly the least convincing example of 'answered prayer' I've ever heard.
"Watchtower's Achilles' Heel" is available in Spanish
by Doug Mason inthe watchtowers achilles heel is available in spanish.. if reasoning with a jw on the governing bodys interpretations such as of the kingdom of god, parousia, the cross, blood, and so on is unlikely to break the governing bodys mental stranglehold, what then is its achilles heel?.
my study: the watchtowers achilles heel answers that question.
Good work. It's obvious that the 'Governing Body' is not a biblical teaching, but your analysis gives a very good overview of why.
I'm not sure that Paul receiving 'visions' is particularly compelling stuff in general to motivate any rational person to believe that the Bible contains anything approaching an accurate history of Christianity. However, it is quite interesting from the perspective of JW (and Christian) belief that the accounts are contradictory.