I have a special place in my heart for you Jeffro . Keep up the good fight!
Awww... thanks.
due to the recent postings about the #3 edit ranking for the jw wikipedia page, (.
I have a special place in my heart for you Jeffro . Keep up the good fight!
Awww... thanks.
due to the recent postings about the #3 edit ranking for the jw wikipedia page, (.
If this is the guy, then he's an apostate. So that's cool that he's got that many edits, he probably makes a hobby of fixing white washed edits from the WTBS.
Incorrect. Being an "apostate" would require having previously believed JW teachings.
due to the recent postings about the #3 edit ranking for the jw wikipedia page, (.
I decided to do a little digging and came up with the name Jeffro77 who has more than 20,000 edits on the JW Wikipedia site.
'20,000 edits on the JW Wikipedia site'? That's obviously false.
Analysis of the user's edits (https://tools.wmflabs.org/supercount/index.php?user=Jeffro77&project=en.wikipedia) indicates:
Unique Pages Edited: 2,527
Average edits per page: 8.27
Live edits: 20,898
There are not anywhere near 2500 JW-related pages, so the editor obviously can't have 20,000 edits on JW-related articles.
The editor has 1553 edits on the main JW article. The remaining approx. 8300 edits of article pages are divided among over 2500 different articles. Most of the editor's edits are on various discussion pages.
first of all i want to express my sincere gratitude to atlantis and his good friends for making this 2014 book available.. ------------.
as i see it, and i am absolutely open to contradiction, the wts appears to be giving another new meaning to this generation.
this time the term means all of his anointed followers, including his immediate disciples.
There's no reason to believe that there is any special significance at all to the 'gospel' stories about Jesus, all written decades after the alleged events, containing a hodge-podge of unoriginal stories re-attributed to Jesus.
Aside from that, there is no reason to re-interpret the use of "generation" attributed to Jesus as anything other than the usual use of the word.
Any attempt to apply anything at all from the 'gospels' to 1914 is entirely baseless. Although it is amusing watching the Watch Tower Society re-hash their ridiculous superstitions.
(And it's mildly disturbing that the lives of dead JWs are represented by a brown smear.)
please review my article (so far) on the quotes in the creation book.... thanks!.
Looks good so far! Please keep up the good work. :)
found in 2000 with a group of antiquity smugglers this bible contains the gospel of barnabas according to the report in the national turk.. written in aramaic this gospel account was omitted by the church during the period of the council of nicea.. the text maintains a story similar to islam regarding jesus being a great prophet.. is has a reported value of $28million and is said to be in the museum of ankara.. http://moorishharem.com/culture-detail/1500-year-old-bible-that-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-vatican-in-awe/.
Cold Steel:
So, who was the man's father and mother? And who was the father and mother of the woman?
These questions seem to indicate a misunderstanding (or no undertanding) of the term "most recent common ancestor". The parents of such an individual would also be a common ancestor. But they're not the most recent. Any two specific people may have a more recent common ancestors (especially if they're of the same ethnicity), and this is why it was previously thought that the most recent common male ancestor was more recent, because it had not yet been established that that individual wasn't common to everyone.
A similar common misunderstanding involves confusion about the fact that the most recent common male ancestor doesn't have to be alive at the same time as the most recent common female ancestor.
just heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
just heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
It is likely that the two will be merged into one new 32 page monthly mini-magaziine designed specifically for the public.
Happifyingly resplendent, and aluminum-free
hi, iam not jehova witness could you help me about bible study?.
hamzasinan06 - skype id.
emre01, if you want to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, go to jw.org and request a Bible study.
The 'Bible study' course offered by JWs isn't actually a study of the Bible. It is an indoctrination program that focuses on particular scriptures - frequently out of context - in order to convince a person to join the JW religion.
yup, the apostate is happy.
i shouldn't be, right, because my life is empty without "jehovah" and the organisation.. but i just got a job at one of the best theme parks in the world, which is so what i want to do, and it's the first permanent job i've had since i lost my government job in 2012!.
the job pays minimum wage but i don't care because working in tourism and entertainment is what i want to do!
The last time I went to MovieWorld was about 17 years ago. Maybe I should go again. :)