October 1914 was a significant date...
Except... it wasn't. Nothing remarkable happened in October of 1914. The 'Bible Students' were supposedly waiting for Armageddon to 'break out' with "suddenness and great force" in or after October of 1914. No sudden 'woe' was precipitated by events 'in heaven' starting in October 1914. Not only did it not happen, but by mid-1914 it had already become impossible for such a thing to happen suddenly in October. World War I had already begun, which was itself basically a continuation of the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913. Funnily enough, though the Watch Tower Society has published articles about a lot of different wars, it has not even mentioned the Balkan Wars in living memory, instead claiming that World War I was a 'surprise', all the while quietly ignoring that WWI itself started too early.