Village Idiot:
Are those letters copyrighted?
Copyright implicitly applies to any original work, and does not have to be registered. Copyright can therefore be asserted for the letter.
i don't know if this is already posted so sorry people if it is.
cedars site has had a request to take down the leaked letter regarding changes to the theocratic ministry school and other issues.. the reason given by wt is that it is a "copyright" issue.
of course this validates the letters authenticity even more.. have a good day or night people.
Village Idiot:
Are those letters copyrighted?
Copyright implicitly applies to any original work, and does not have to be registered. Copyright can therefore be asserted for the letter.
i have tried many times to use the words governing body in the search box field but i get a "server error" message every time.. anyone else experiencing this?.
arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice the last three years.
red shows the september 2012 minimum extent.
green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. the arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.. article.
I thought Leonard Nimoy was Vulcan
You may be losing your grip on reality.
arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice the last three years.
red shows the september 2012 minimum extent.
green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. the arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.. article.
It is really amazing to me how normal good folks like the ones on this discussion board could have suffered so much from deception by their leaders in the Watchtower, only to put full trust in seemingly every band wagon that comes down the pike.
arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice the last three years.
red shows the september 2012 minimum extent.
green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. the arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.. article.
Global population of polar bears has increased by 2,650-5,700 since 2001
Nope. The blogger conflates reviews of estimates with assumptions about actual numbers.
arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice the last three years.
red shows the september 2012 minimum extent.
green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. the arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.. article.
Time Magazine sums it up for me:
Ah yes... the peer-reviewed journal... Time magazine. Wait... what?!
ok so in 1kings chapters 5-6 is where we have the story of the construction of solomon's most holy temple to god, the supreme god.
it says that to build this magnificent temple they used 30,000 men, 10,000 per month.
another 70,000 common laborers in the hills digging up stone and 80,000 stone cutting laborers.
The other thing if could not figure was how long did it take to walk to the outside of the camp of Israelites to take a dump? There was supposed to be a few million that left Egypt It would be a long walk if you really had to go bad.
The simple answer is that the 'exodus'' never happened. Aside from the story being obviously fanciful, there is no evidence at all of the Jews wandering in the desert for 40 years.
The claim that there were millions of Jews is also overstated (speculatively given as 3 million in JW literature). Even by the time of the Babylonian exile, the figures recorded at 2 Kings 24:14 and Jeremiah 52:28-30 show that the population was much lower.
ok so in 1kings chapters 5-6 is where we have the story of the construction of solomon's most holy temple to god, the supreme god.
it says that to build this magnificent temple they used 30,000 men, 10,000 per month.
another 70,000 common laborers in the hills digging up stone and 80,000 stone cutting laborers.
first of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
There may be some correlation between certain personality types and the propensity to be un/convinced by superstitious beliefs such as those of JWs. It's somewhat less likely that being raised in a particular religion would cause a change of personality type.
i know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
Island Man:
A dog some great distance away at "ground zero" (too far away to be in your hearing) heard the sound of an ambulance siren or some other sound produced by some kind of equipment or machinery. The sound of this equipment or machinery was interpreted by the dog as being the sound or howl produced by a very large and vicious alpha male threatening to attack.
Indeed. And you know what also sometimes generates noise resembling howls... wind. It is unremarkable that howling wind might set off dogs howling. Nothing to see here.