We had a case here locally where a DFd person insisted on going out in service.
The branch was consulted and they said - "leave them alone".
Sounds like advice they would get from the legal department. Whilst they can say who is welcome at a meeting for field service, they are not allowed to harass other individuals engaged in some form of 'door-to-door work' even if it resembles their own. They have absolutely no say on whether non-JWs want to similarly waste their time 'preaching'. (They also have no legal right to tell JWs that they can't preach, although they might impose religious sanctions.)
So......if there is now a dress code that is really a 180 from the former stance.
It is not a change in stance. The situations are quite different. Imposing some kind of dress code or behavioral code on those who are welcome to engage in their 'work' with other JWs is not related to non-members doing something on their own.