See Breeze:
The discussion is how do you explain from a materialist worldview the hundreds of thousands of cases where people, minutes or hours before death, suddenly are perfectly lucid and can talk who have not done so for years or even decades prior? This phenomena is consistent with the idea that the soul leaves the body when the body stops functioning.
This is a plain old argument from ignorance. Every time the reason has been understood for someone recovering from some type of unresponsive state, the answer has been physiological. But this doesn’t rule out physiological explanations when the reason has not been understood, nor is it evidence of souls/aliens/government microchips or whatever other woo someone cares to speculatively offer as ‘the reason’. To suggest any action ‘is consistent with the soul returning to the body’, one would first need to demonstrate that a such a thing is even possible.
This game of ‘if you don’t know the exact reason, then whatever I say is the right explanation (or even plausible)’ really is very dull.