Sea Breeze:
If I give you a memory stick full of information, it weighes exactly the same as an empty memory stick doesn't it? It has no mass. Yet it is very real.
This statement well illustrates Sea Breeze’s general irrationality. People assign meaning to certain configurations of matter. It is plainly stupid to expect that a memory stick ‘containing’ information that people consider useful would weigh more than one that has no meaningful data. Of course, a ‘blank’ memory stick contains the same number of bits as a ‘full’ one but more meaning is assigned to certain configurations.
This type of stupidity is also used by creationists who propose astronomical odds for life forming ‘randomly’. Aside from the fact that chemicals behave in ways that is not random, actually random outcomes that people consider meaningful are just as likely as any specific equally unlikely outcomes that aren’t useful. For example, the odds of dealing a randomised deck of playing cards in the right order is about 8*10^67. Impossible, someone might claim. But the odds of the cards being in any order (not just the ones deemed meaningful for the rules of any particular game) is exactly the same. Every single time that a deck of cards has been properly shuffled, the order it has been in has been a 1 in 8*10^67 event. By creationists’ logic, dealing a deck of cards is impossible.