Happy to take a poll to see if anyone else thinks the whole site provides no lines of evidence against JW 607 dogma. 🤣
Posts by Jeffro
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
If Jeffro is so smart and is right in that 607 BCE is incorrect then how come with all his pretty blogs he is unable to provide a single line of evidence that disproves 607 BCE?
Poor ‘scholar’, still beating the same tired drum. It can only be jealousy.
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
Beth Sarim:
I quit bothering talking to people who dont use reasoning to understand logic.
Yeah, I just point out his nonsense for honest readers to see. But for now, he’s trapped in his little feedback loop, so there’s not really anything left to say. For honest readers, just go back to the links I’ve already provided earlier in the thread.
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
Poor ‘scholar’ keeps irrationally bleating his demands for ‘one line of evidence’, which is simply a smokescreen for the fact that his position is entirely unsupportable under the slightest scrutiny. He can’t even get past the fact that his position requires a solstice on a physically impossible date. Instead he pleads ignorance and insists no one else understands the subject because he doesn’t. Then he returns to his inane mantra about ‘one line of evidence’. Pathetic.
What you think consequences gonna be for watchtower if they lose the court appeal in Norway?
by Hellothere inpersonally i think they gonna realise god's not backing org.
that idea gonna get even more established in their minds.
i think the real selling of kingdom hall gonna start then.
Personally i think they gonna realise God's not backing org.
No. It will be ‘Under attack by Satan’s system’. The usual morning rhetoric.
The Next Big Thing In WT World
by NotFormer inthings got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
After Jehoiakim, there was no sovereign ruler on Jehovah's throne until the 7 times ended then Jesus takes the throne. The year number is not important. What is important is that he did it.
The ‘seven times’, of course, was a plot device in a fictional story about Nebuchadnezzar and has nothing at all to do with ‘Jehovah’s throne’. But setting that ‘minor detail’ aside, it won’t be Jesus in line for the throne. Even if he weren’t long dead, he’s not eligible. Inclusion of Jeconiah (Jehoiachin, also called Coniah) in Matthew’s genealogy disqualifies Jesus from taking the throne.Jeremiah 22:30:
This is what the Lord says: “Record this man as if childless, a man who will not prosper in his lifetime, for none of his offspring will prosper, none will sit on the throne of David or rule anymore in Judah.”
Matthew 1:12:After the exile to Babylon: Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel, Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
Let the special pleading begin. 🤣 -
How can Babylon the Great be the WORLD of false religion?
by BoogerMan in(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
Study Watchtower, April 2024 par. 4, p. 21 - "A second fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy began in 1919 C.E. when Jehovah’s modern-day worshippers were set free from captivity to Babylon the Great."
Ridiculous historical revisionism. The ‘Bible Students’ didn’t regard 1919 as any special ‘release’ from ‘Babylon the Great’ at all, and they held many beliefs at the time (some of which weren’t changed until decades after) that JWs now regard as ‘false religion’.
How can Babylon the Great be the WORLD of false religion?
by BoogerMan in(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
‘Babylon the Great’ was Rome. The Roman Empire oversaw various subordinate client kingdoms, each with its own ‘king’. Revelation 17:18 accurately describes “Babylon the Great”—that is, ancient Rome—as a city with a kingdom over other kings.
No superstitious nonsense. No mystery.
Is there “new light” on 1914?
by wallsofjericho ini’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
Jeffro would not be happy that you state that Jerusalem fell in 586 BCE and not 587 BCE so you have a big problem with this date.
The chronology the other person gave (which was much more accurate than the JW fringe nonsense) included a couple of elements of Thiele’s outdated chronology, but was otherwise accurate and it isn’t such a big problem. 586BCE is still often presented as the year of Jerusalems destruction, but no analysis in at least the last 70 years has preferred 586BCE. Modern scholarship, particularly since Wiseman’s publication of the Babylonian Chronicles, confirms 587BCE as the correct year.
See 586 or 587? for a straightforward examination of why 587BCE is the correct year.
The Reasoning Book
by Magnum inthe book reasoning from the scriptures was released in the 1980's, and it was used at virtually every meeting for service, every service meeting, and every theocratic ministry school meeting thereafter.
many jws had copies bound together with their bibles.
it was huge in jw land back then.. at that time, with the reasoning book, jws were trained to keep conversations going in spite of objections, to almost stick their feet in people's doors to keep conversations going, to defend "the truth," to argue doctrine, etc.. compare the situation today with that of the 80's.
Ah… the ‘Reasoning’ book. The funniest thing about it is the unexplained removal in 2018 of the section about what to say if some says they’re a Muslim.
The book is still available on the website, but not in PDF format.