Is that letter read out at a public meeting?
The part about prisoners is read at the meeting, typically this would be at the ‘mid-week meeting’. The part about children running the audio equipment is only for elders.
2024-07-july-s-147 announcements!. .
Is that letter read out at a public meeting?
The part about prisoners is read at the meeting, typically this would be at the ‘mid-week meeting’. The part about children running the audio equipment is only for elders.
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
This Thread has reminded me of the time a JW dad was trying to instil in his son the need to always tell the truth, so dad asked his son "Who told the first Lie ?", and his little son promptly replied "Rosie", referring to his little friend who had lied an hour or so before.
But now your comment has reminded me of that awful ‘Become Jehovah’s Friend’ pilot episode where the mother asks Caleb, “Is this toy magical?”… (No, of course it’s not magical. It’s a piece of plastic.) “Who likes magic? Jehovah? 🥴 Or Sa’an?” 🐍
Thanks for that. 🤣
2024-07-july-s-147 announcements!. .
Are they really so desperate for suitable people to operate audio equipment that it's become necessary for 12-year-olds to do it?? I suppose that's a better alternative to... gasp... a... woman doing it. 😲
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
The way I see it, you either believe the Bible or you don't.
Fallacy of composition, black and white thinking. ‘The Bible’ is a collection of various forms of literature. Much of it is entirely unhistorical while other parts contain historical details intermixed with superstition and political bias. There is, of course, no reason to believe that stories in Genesis are true, especially when they’re obviously allegory.
The Bible also says something like,let God be found true, though every man a liar.
Well, if the Bible says it. 🤦♂️
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
that I definitely did not make up
Seemed legit. 🤣
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Except God said
Yes, God told the lie. I know. It’s not necessary to quote it again. After they ate the magical fruit, separate action had to be taken to prevent them accessing the other magical fruit as is directly stated in verses 22-24, rather than their death being ‘certain’.
Eve understood the same thing, repeating it back to the snake verbatim.
Yes, the story says Eve was told the lie as well, though it doesn’t say whether she heard it directly from God or secondhand from Adam. But she certainly didn’t hear it when it was said before she was… made from a rib. 🙄
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Here is Genesis chapter 2
You quoted verses 15-17, but unnamed rib-woman didn’t even exist until verse 22.
The snake said the exact opposite thing as the words above..."you will not certainly die".
And, in the story, the snake was correct. It was not certain that eating from the tree of knowledge would result in death. It was only because access to the other tree was prevented that resulted in death. It is directly stated in the story.
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
As you explained, thereafter God took away the tree of life...and both Adam and Eve died, just as God told them they would if they ate from the wrong tree.
Maybe you’re reading a different story. In the version I have, God doesn’t tell Eve (who doesn’t get a name until later in the story) anything about either tree, and only tells Adam about the tree of knowledge. The story doesn’t state whether Eve is directly told by God about the tree of knowledge or whether it’s via Adam, but it doesn’t say either are told about the tree of life. God tells Adam he’ll die if he eats from the tree of knowledge, but isn’t told that this was actually a threat about preventing access to the other magical tree rather than a property of the knowledge fruit itself. As presented in the story, the snake didn’t lie when it said that eating the knowledge fruit doesn’t itself cause death, nor does the story say whether the snake knew about the deceptive scheme to prevent access to the other magical tree. Death was caused by the capricious deity getting angry at the naive people for being naive and preventing access to a different magical tree, not at the moment of eating the magical fruit that gave them knowledge.
so: the mystery has been clarified as to more "new light" / clarifications of decades old doctrine and procedure.
august watchtower has finally been leaked.
Indeed. It’s more about what they can more likely get away with rather than actually caring about defaming people.
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Star Wars, Harry Potter, and the folklore and myths and legends of my people the Jews, and not.
I suppose we’ll have to shut down all the Star Wars and Harry Potter discussion forums too. Either that or they’ll have to all get degrees first.