He gets some of the details about radiometric dating wrong (which he freely admits), but the principles are sound. Discussion of the most relevant part is in the second half of the video.
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
He gets some of the details about radiometric dating wrong (which he freely admits), but the principles are sound. Discussion of the most relevant part is in the second half of the video.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
But the giant "M" is a "representation" and a "spokesman," like it is in Hebrew.
This is a folk etymology. It ignores the actual origin of the term, where a single block of type (a logotype) was used for some whole words in early printing presses instead of using separate letter blocks which led to words represented by symbols in typography, and instead draws a superficial similarity between the Hebrew term for ‘representative’ and contorts it into a sense of ‘representation’ in reference to the modern use of logos.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
The English word "logo" was shaped by the Hebrew usage, not the Greek.
This is simply wrong. The English word ‘logo’ (originally as ‘logotype’) is derived from the Greek word ‘logos’, from the plain sense of its meaning of ‘word’, wherein a logo is representative of a name or word. The etymology of the term as it relates to typography is well documented, and there was never an intent that logos serve as ‘messengers’ when the term was coined.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
In fact, the Greek word does not mean the same thing the Hebrew word means.
There was some shifting of the goal posts in that response (not quoted in entirety here for brevity). I referred to the concept of ‘logos’ as used in Wisdom and John 1:1 (and I don’t need a tedious lecture about the word ‘logo’), so your abstraction abbot earlier periods was a misrepresentation of my comment. The fact remains that the earlier concepts were later conflated with the Greek Logos concept.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
The "Destroyer" and "LOGOS" are one-in-the-same, according to Jewish theology.
The thing is, though, that this view of the ‘logos’ is necessarily and inexorably through the lens of Greek influence.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
If John was not the author of his book, where is the testimony of the early church pastors claiming fraud? In fact, , they claimed John was the author:
🤦♂️ For much the same reason that the authenticity of Hebrews was in question for many years before being complicity accepted as a ‘genuine’ work of Paul. They teach ‘traditions of men’ as ‘doctrine’.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
All of these things were denied by "experts" at one ime or another.
Roundness of the earth
The earth floating in space
conservation of energy - Eccl, 3: 14
"Cords" of Pleiades and Orion (gravitationally bound star groups) Eccl 1: 9
Uncountable number of stars
You can count the visible stars, around 10,000. But you don't live long enough to count the trillions of stars that we now know are there.
Expansion of the universe
God stretches out the heavens - (present tense)
Those are tedious cherry picked ad hoc reinterpretations rather than any kind of demonstration of knowledge at the time of writing.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
I dismiss the idea that ‘Jesus was Satan’ as nonsense because ‘satan’ was only a generic concept of ‘an opposer’ in Judaism and ‘the devil’ is a fictional character introduced into Judaism and Christianity from the Persians.
As for your simplistic belief that the gospels aren’t anonymous, you’re at odds with mainstream scholarship (including Christian scholarship) so i don’t care. Authorship of ‘John’ wasn’t attributed to him until the late 2nd century.
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
You do know that the gospels are actually anonymous and the supposed authors including ‘John’ are only traditional attributions after the fact, don’t you?
the theme of my recent comment in another thread demonstrated how in some circles the 'word/logos' had become understood to be implied within ot texts that mention an angel or destroyer (in the case of ex 12).
the comment got no response so i'll repost it now as a springboard for a further observation:.
here's another example of the extreme personification of the logos/word from the wisdom of solomon (approx.
the book was written by a Jewish scholar familiar with Greek culture
So was John, evident from the Logos theology present in the opening verse.