Posts by Jeffro

  • Qcmbr

    Why is chalk white?

    by Qcmbr in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i was reading some pro flood info and i came across an intriguing point regarding chalk - the fact that it is composed almost entirely of shells.

    now i have no desire to start a pro flood blah blah debate.

    this is a sincere non religious question for our marine biologists / geologists - why is chalk white and not layered with silt and sand?

    1. Jeffro
    2. Jeffro
    3. Evanescence
  • Jeffro
    Sunlight is made a mixture of seven colours (as can be seen in the rainbow where they get separated by a natural process)and if all seven colours get reflected by an object then it appears white, if it absorbs all of them it appears black.

    Sunlight is composed of more than the visible spectrum (for example if also includes ultraviolet light), and the visible part of the light is a 'spectrum' of colours, not seven discrete colours. Because the wavelengths of different coloured light differ, when light is refracted through water droplets in the atmosphere, the different colours of light are bent at different angles, causing them to appear independantly, producing the familiar rainbow.

    So white chalk reflects all sunlight colours.

    White chalk reflects all colours of light from lightbulbs too.