Every now and then there turns up an eyewitness to supposed supernatural events which makes it *seem* that something supernatural does sometimes happen. There are several explanations to these kind of phenomena.
- Shadowplay - supposed supernatural images or events based on partially real stimulus, such as a child seeing a 'monster' at their window instead of shadows of branches through a curtain.
- Drug (or chemical imbalance) induced - persons on strong painkillers, other medications or hallucinogens, or suffering a variety of temporary or permanent mental illnesses may have false experiences that may or may not seem supernatural.
- Other medical conditions - hearing voices, sensations of sinking into the bed, 'floating' above the body, or feeling 'hands' caress, pull or push the body can be symptoms of sleep paralysis. Feeling a weight pressing down on the body can also be a symptom of angina.
- Stress - extreme mental and emotional stress may cause persons to manufacture fantasy situations.
- Superstition - some who believe in supernatural events will readily interpret events as supernatural in nature before exploring any other possibilities.
- Justifying behaviour - individuals may claim that their behaviour (perhaps abusive or violent) was caused, inspired, or intensified by supernatural forces.
This is not an exhaustive list.