I have been arguing WT chronology on this board for the last three years and not lost a single point to the dark side.
You never gave any reply to several of my posts, such as that at If there were a 'points' system, then you lost that one. You also did not respond to the list of problems with the 607/1914 dogma that I posted:
- There is nothing in Daniel chapter 4 requiring a secondary fulfilment
- The Society does not apply the same rule to the other 'times' mentioned at Daniel 7:25 and 12:7
- 'Removing the turban' at Ezekiel 21:25-27 is directed to Israel, not Judah
- World War I started several months before the supposed October fulfilment
- The original text of Luke 21:24 indicates that the 'appointed times of the nations' is a period that began at or after 70AD
- Jeremiah said the 70 years were of nations serving Babylon, not specifically exile.
- Babylon's king could not be called to account 2 years before the 70 years ended
- The NWT rendering of Jeremiah 29:10 is inconsistent with Jeremiah 25:12 and is not recognised as correct by most scholars
- Daniel 5:26-31 indicates the fulfilment of the 70 years in 539BC
- Judah still had inhabitants in Nebuchadnezzar's 23rd year
- The Society is inconsistent in applying the entire 70 years to Judah but not Tyre
- It was Persia's beginning to reign, not payment of Sabbaths, that fulfilled the 70 years of Jeremiah
- The Hebrew words chorbah - 'devastated', shamem - 'desolated', and za'am - 'denounced', do not require complete depopulation
- The 70 years of Zechariah could not have ended in 537BC
- Secular records exist for every year of the known Babylonian kings but absolutely no records have been found for the 20-year gap of the Society's interpretation
- The Society accepts 539BC as a pivotal date using means it rejects as being unreliable
- No source other than the Society recognizes any significant event regarding Babylon and Jerusalem in 607
Did I not and only I commend you for your publication of your list for the Divided Monarchy, a list which approximated the list published by celebtrated WT scholars.
Yes you did commend me, as you should have. Because my list was based on only the bible, naturally the length of the reigns was similar (but not the same) as what is stated by the Society, however the years were significantly different, and were backed up by the bible and secular history. On the other hand the 'Society hypothesis' conflicts with both the bible and secular chronology.
This proves that when it comes to chronology I am in command of the situation because I have nothing to fear from scholars or apostates.
For a start your use of the word 'apostate' is childish and borders on offensive. You also have never properly dealt with many of the contradictions of the Society hypothesis, such as it's weak (and verifiably incorrect) explanation for the alleged discrepancy between Daniel 1:1 and Jeremiah 25:1, it's conflicting application of the 70 years regarding Babylon with respect to Tyre and Jerusalem (and when that period ended), the extreme statistical improbability of having a contiguous period of 20 years of no contemporary records though records exist for every single other year... etc.
WT chronology is correct because it works historically, prophetically and theologically which cannot be said for alternate secular chronologies promoted by secular scholars and apostates.
You have not ever identified any legitimate faults in anything I have countered you with.