Julia Orwell:
At Jeffro, I know all that. I say it to show how jws will always go to the next level of defense.
Um... okay... I only replied to the opening post.
Maybe you were replying to Phizzy??
why dont you look up on the internet crimes comitted by jehovah`s witnesses , i think you will be very surprised.the majority of cases are comitted by dedicated baptised witnesses , not newly interested ones that you can excuse away.and the crimes range from anything minor to outright murder .. and remember ,jehovahs witnesses are only a minority religion and yet crimes comitted by them far outstrip the national average.. i`m sorry i cant put up the links .i`d appreciate it if someone can .thanks heaps.. smiddy.
Julia Orwell:
At Jeffro, I know all that. I say it to show how jws will always go to the next level of defense.
Um... okay... I only replied to the opening post.
Maybe you were replying to Phizzy??
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
Lets talk about Rudd.
Why? Rudd's a narcissit. Abbott's a tool. They're both arrogant. They both were involved in leadership disputes.
Labor has better policies.
Why don't people in Australia understand that people elect a party.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
I never claimed that SL was a place without problems, i only stated its gotten better because peace is *nearlY* always better than war.
A typical 'shifting the goalposts' strategy.
You claimed that Howard's policies 'stopped the boats' and that it was Rudd's policies in 2009 that 'started the boats' again. The fact is that there was a new influx of asylum seekers in 2009, as clearly shown by the facts. Your attempt at shifting focus to your impression of 'conditions in Sri Lanka' (which in fact did make things less secure for the Tamil) is entirely irrelevant to your false correlation about 'stopping the boats'.
News sources, refugee organisations and the Australian government agree that there was an increase in refugee numbers in 2009 due to international factors and not Australian policy.
You're wrong, and that's all. I'm not interest in responding any further to your arrogant tripe. I've supplied enough information already for sincere readers.
ok...so after this new light came out in the watchtower study over the weekend...a couple questions:.
1. why is the year 1914 still relevant to the doctrine?.
2. what would the effects be in they were to ever drop the 1914 teaching in the future (let's say 20 years from now)?.
I thought the same initially, but then I remembered that neither of those two articles in 2011 made a single mention of 1914, or even why the 607 date was so important that they had to write a two-part article on it.
Yeah, I know they didn't mention 1914 in any of those articles (because it would make their purpose for supporting 607 far too obvious). But it's too easy for someone to remind a JW about those articles, and the connection between 607 and 1914 is made in What Does the Bible 'Really' Teach?, which any JW who conducts a Bible Study with someone would still come across.
I don't remember the one from 2012.
The magazine is available here (article is on pages 12-14). My response is available here.
i would have to say that ray franz was the biggest influence for me.. when i first got on this board, a poster by the name of james, a former bethelite and organization heavy, helped me understand a lot of the inner workings in the upper echelons of the society.. .
and of course, farkel's common sense approach was (usually) helpful..
Ya, but it can make a huge difference with JW's, especially JW family.
Well, yeah. But when you're talking about an essentially anonymous online forum poster, the zealous (='suspicious') JW is just as likely to assume that the 'evil apostate' is lying about never having been a JW anyway.
ok...so after this new light came out in the watchtower study over the weekend...a couple questions:.
1. why is the year 1914 still relevant to the doctrine?.
2. what would the effects be in they were to ever drop the 1914 teaching in the future (let's say 20 years from now)?.
Julia Orwell:
They'll have to reinstate you then , mouthy.
Unfortunately, they won't be able to reinstate mouthy just yet (I know how disappointed you'll be). You still have to believe in 1914. You're just not supposed to talk about it.
I did a search for 1914 in the CD Rom
See here.
I think it would be a mistake for them to give up on 1914 so soon after their (very poor) attempts to defend 607 in 2011 and 2012.
ok...so after this new light came out in the watchtower study over the weekend...a couple questions:.
1. why is the year 1914 still relevant to the doctrine?.
2. what would the effects be in they were to ever drop the 1914 teaching in the future (let's say 20 years from now)?.
The recent changes in JW doctrine regarding the so-called 'faithful and discreet slave' have no bearing on the significance of 1914 in their numerological beliefs. Because of the amount of time that has passed since 1914, they don't mention it nearly as often as they used to, but it is still the starting point for their calculations about 1919.
i would have to say that ray franz was the biggest influence for me.. when i first got on this board, a poster by the name of james, a former bethelite and organization heavy, helped me understand a lot of the inner workings in the upper echelons of the society.. .
and of course, farkel's common sense approach was (usually) helpful..
Terry, when did we see you naked and not clothe ye?
Thanks, I've been a good boy.
If you've been running around naked in public, you probably haven't been as good as you could have.
i would have to say that ray franz was the biggest influence for me.. when i first got on this board, a poster by the name of james, a former bethelite and organization heavy, helped me understand a lot of the inner workings in the upper echelons of the society.. .
and of course, farkel's common sense approach was (usually) helpful..
Technically, 'Leolaia' is not an apostate, as she was never a baptized JW.
Technically, every JW who ever converted from a different belief system is an apostate. It's a stupid term. I ignore it.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
You are wise, too bad you cant address the SL and A problems. No civil war in SL , less Taliban and you tell everyone its got worse in 2009.
Are you seriously that ignorant? As I said earlier, your arrogance on this thread means you don't deserve any response to your questions.
But I'll provide a few links for the benefit of other readers.
http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2013/06/10/comment-why-sri-lankan-asylum-seekers-continue-come-australia: "In 2009, the long Sri Lankan civil war ended with the government forcing a complete defeat for the independence struggle of the Tamil Tigers (known as the LTTE). ... On the other hand, the problems that generated the civil war – which go back to the complex legacy of colonialism and the Tamil conviction that their culture and political rights are not protected – remain unresolved. In addition, with no opposition, the government both inside and outside Sri Lanka, were emboldened. The excesses of the army in occupying the north, extrajudicial abductions, inequities in the reconstruction process and a perceived threat of Sinhala colonisation have been highlighted in the world press."
http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2008/s2655387.htm: "Last night's boat arrival [12 August 2009], with 77 Sri Lankan Tamils on board was just the latest in a steady trickle that began when the Sri Lankan civil war ended in May [2009]. Ever since then Australian government officials have been expecting a new wave of asylum seekers heading for a safer future."
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/03/scott-morrison-defends-fiona-scott : "Burke said the Labor government should have changed policies in 2009 to respond to new waves of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan and sought greater bipartisanship on the "Malaysian solution"."