But, they are 'anti' or 'pro'!!!
They are!!! They are!!!!
Everything is black or white!!! There are no shades of grey!!!!!!
I find your excessive use of exclamation marks strangely compelling.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link -
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
But, they are 'anti' or 'pro'!!!
They are!!! They are!!!!
Everything is black or white!!! There are no shades of grey!!!!!!
I find your excessive use of exclamation marks strangely compelling.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
I still think there's an important distinction between things that God did himself, to which the reader does not apply common sense because they're miraculous acts, and the idea of a 450 foot man.
You never know. They accept the dimensions for Solomon's temple and the amounts of gold and silver it supposedly contained, even though they are physically impossible. Even if the main temple structure were a completely solid block of silver, there would be extra silver left over to go on top of the portico, which would have to be a solid block of gold 4.5 metres high.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
My contention was that if something violated common sense for an early church figure, then they would be less likely to accept the book.
If a man made of dirt and a woman made from his rib being tricked into eating magical fruit by a talking snake doesn't violate common sense for an early church figure, there probably isn't much they wouldn't believe.
found in 2000 with a group of antiquity smugglers this bible contains the gospel of barnabas according to the report in the national turk.. written in aramaic this gospel account was omitted by the church during the period of the council of nicea.. the text maintains a story similar to islam regarding jesus being a great prophet.. is has a reported value of $28million and is said to be in the museum of ankara..
Very well established, Jeffro? Paul seems to have believed that Adam had existed every bit as much as Jesus did and does. "For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:22).
That's an indication that Paul is also wrong, not that Adam was real. And yes, it's an extremely well-established fact that humans have been around for significantly longer than 6000 years, and that the first human wasn't a golem in a fairytale garden until he was tricked by a rib-woman and a talking snake into eating magical fruit.
Cold Steel:
You're correct to say that if Adam didn't exist, then Jesus would not be required to make the atonement which would bring us back to God. Where many disagree, however, is that we don't believe that it's a well established fact that Adam never existed.
Oh, you believe in a literal Adam around 6000 years ago. That's cute. A little sad. But cute.
Did men leave the trees for caves and evolve into hunter-gatherers? Did he go from uncivilized, uneducated and base to what he is now?
Apart from the crude and simplistic analogy of 'leaving the trees', yes. Simple systems become more complex over time. That's a quite fundamental concept. Claiming otherwise is like claiming that people have always flown in aeroplanes rather than benefiting from the gradual development from simple concepts to complex understanding of physics and engineering.
Or was he created and placed on this world by a Supreme Intelligence who taught him and gave him the benefit of revelation?
There is no evidence or precedent for such a thing.
If one looks at the quality and quantity of divine revelation, of prophecy that was fulfilled to the last dot and tittle, it's difficult to explain away. Daniel's vision of the empires from Babylonian to the Romans:
In chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue with body parts made of different materials, which Daniel then interprets as four kingdoms:
1. Head of gold Interpretation given: The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar is the head of gold.[v.37-38]
2. Chest and arms of silver Interpretation given: After Nebuchadnezzar an inferior kingdom shall arise. [v.39] Medes & Persians
3. Belly and thighs of bronze Interpretation given: A third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. [v.39] Greeks (Alexander the Great).
4. Legs of iron with feet of iron and clay Interpretation given: A fourth kingdom, strong as iron. [v.40] Rome, divided into East and West
5. The feet and toes partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, show it shall be a divided kingdom. [v.41] Emergence of nation states
Since Daniel was written in the 2nd century BCE, it's unsurprising that it's accurate about World Powers up until that time.
Daniel 2:40 bears little resemblance to the claimed interpretation of "Rome, divided into East and West", which is just as spurious as the claim that a mixture of 'clay and iron' represents 'nation states' that are in some way different to previous nations.
Outside of Christian dogma, the actual 'interpretation' is:
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
The question of the OP was why the Book of Enoch was omitted, not "Does the Bible accord with modern science?".
I don't see much reason for concluding that the reason for rejecting the book of Enoch was that it was more ridiculous than much of the content that was retained. The people who decided what to keep weren't exactly the greatest scientific minds to ever walk the earth. Lots of things were omitted from the 'canon' and many that were kept contradict each other.
Even worse, the Watch Tower Society insists that the books accepted by so-called 'apostate Christians' are necessarily and exclusively the ones that are 'inspired'.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link -
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
Does WIKI just delete without explanation? No reference to a TOS violation? Anything?
Very clear reasons were given for removal of the edits in question, with specific references to Wikipedia policy, by various editors.
Like many disgruntled editors who don't understand Wikipedia's policies and make no effort to find out, 'The Searcher' instead assumes that anyone who removes their edits for any reason 'must' be 'pro' or 'anti' whatever it is the rampaging editor is trying to rant about.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link -
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
The Searcher:
Or is it only topics which could upset your beloved G.B?
More evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link -
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
The Searcher:
If I'd known that WikiPedia's published information was subjected to the biased scrutiny of individuals with personal agendas, then I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to share the WTBTS own update regarding their un-Holy funding scheme! In light of my experience with WikiPedia, I will gladly spread the word regarding their "trustworthiness"!
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Very clear and specific reasons were provided for why your edits are not acceptable. Wikipedia has policies that govern content and behaviour. You've breached both.
Please go and delete THAT section JEFFRO77 - otherwise, some people might think you've got double-standards!! (or worse!)
Wikipedia also has policies about editors such as yourself disrupting articles to try to make a point. The correct way to point out that something is not properly sourced - which you can't assume anyone is necessarily aware of - is to comment on the article's Talk page, or add a template indicating that a citation is required. The exactly wrong thing to do is put a paragraph of snarky commentary directly in the article.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
tim hooper:
If they were the product of angels and women then they'd be sterile.
Since angels and 'nephilim' have never existed, it's implicit that the nonexistent nephilim would be unable to have children. But there is zero basis for the claim that the offspring of fictitious magical spirit thingies would necessarily be sterile. Assigning any particular attributes to 'nephilim' is really just fan-fiction.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link -
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
I admit that I don't know much about Wikipedia, but what Jeffro says makes sense. SEARCHER, maybe you would reach more people by simple posting information about the letter on other sites, like Yahoo answers or something similar, or JW chat forums?? You may be spinning your wheels on Wikipedia.
That's very good advice. There are plenty of places for getting this kind of information across. Wikipedia is not one of those places - at least not until the information can be cited from an appropriate source. And even then, the change in arrangement would best be summarised in a single dispassionate sentence.