Well if it's on Reddit...
Okay, you don't like Evans and therefore anyone who doesn't think Evans is Satan is stupid.I guess we found that misidentified false dilemma from your initial comment.
csa victims need our support, not vindictiveness.
in that vein, lord farquaad has these kind words for shelly, aka “bcg”.
false dilemma logical fallacy.
Well if it's on Reddit...
Okay, you don't like Evans and therefore anyone who doesn't think Evans is Satan is stupid.I guess we found that misidentified false dilemma from your initial comment.
csa victims need our support, not vindictiveness.
in that vein, lord farquaad has these kind words for shelly, aka “bcg”.
false dilemma logical fallacy.
Because Evans’ word on the matter is final and unimpeachable. And he has such a sterling reputation for kind conduct towards people who might disagree with him, as Shelly has done in the past. Got it.
I see you still maintain that good old JW black-and-white thinking. So of course if Evans might not be completely evil in one particular Twitter comment that obviously means the only alternative is that he's perfect.
csa victims need our support, not vindictiveness.
in that vein, lord farquaad has these kind words for shelly, aka “bcg”.
false dilemma logical fallacy.
Shelly is in the thread too. Nothing misleading about it. Both gave criticisms about exJW activists. If it were directed at Dwayne then why didn’t he single him out by name?
Only Dwayne specifically mentioned YouTube, Patreon etc - Evans' platform - and it's that comment that seems to have elicited Evans' response. In any case, your own speculation is of no more value than mine, except that mine isn't potentially libelous. In the absence of clarification from Evans, your accusation is misleading.
csa victims need our support, not vindictiveness.
in that vein, lord farquaad has these kind words for shelly, aka “bcg”.
false dilemma logical fallacy.
Misleading thread using image out of context.
Evans' "screw you" comment appears to be directed at Champion rather than BCG.
my dear, dear simon,.
it is with a heavy heart that i approach your throne today.. i fear i have become aware of a minor boo-boo on the site.
remember, we must be perfect just as our lard is perfuct.. the problemo esta dis: .
It takes me to this, which looks correct:
The content is correct, but the heading incorrectly says "Topics started by..." though it should say "Topics posted on...".
it is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
In the latest update, WT deletes Emperor Aurelius (King of North) & Queen Zenobia (King of South) on the line for Dan 11:25-26 and then moves everyone below that one line up. (If I don't have that correctly, please set me straight.)Notice, for example, how in the WT explanation Seleucus IV and Antiochus IV are removed from Dan 11:20 & Dan 11:21-35 and lumped in the line Dan 11:13-19. The next two lines are explained as Roman emperors and then the explanation moves to modern times.
Their attribution of Daniel 11:20 has always been Augustus, and this can't be changed because, as with other Protestant interpretations, it (supposedly) links the 'prophecy' to Jesus. (The verse actually refers to Heliodorus confiscating treasures from the temple in 176 BCE.)
The identification of the 'kings' in verses 25 and 26 previously said to be Aurelius and Zenobia have now been lumped in with their 'explanation' about the German Empire and Britain (verses 27 to 30a). The subsequent 'identifications' don't 'move one line up', only the portion attributed to the German Empire and Britain is extended upwards to include verses 25-26.
(Also, the top chart you provided incorrectly associates verses 13 and 14 with Ptolemy IV instead of Ptolemy V. These verses allude to actions by Antiochus III after the death of Ptolemy IV.)
it is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
Wasn't that all those ancient Egyptian, Greek, & Roman rulers? Seleucus, Ptolemy, Cleopatra, Augustus, etc.Sort of. Nothing beyond the Seleucid and Ptolemaic dynasties until the death of Antiochus IV in 164 BCE was ever actually part of the 'fulfilment'.
In 1958, the Watch Tower Society abandoned its association of Daniel 11:17-19 with Cleopatra VII, with a subtle 'bait and switch' instead noting Cleopatra I as the wife of Ptolemy V who was instead nominated as the 'king' identified in those verses. (Cleopatra VII is only briefly mentioned in Your Will be Done and the later Daniel's Prophecy but not identified with any specific verses of Daniel chapter 11.)
it is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
Back in the late 19th century, the only significant difference between Russell's interpretation of the 'kings of the north and south' and that of the Seventh-day Adventist Church was Russell's identification of Aurelian and Zenobia among the 'kings'. That difference has now finally been abandoned.
Russell correctly identified the 'kings' up until verse 16 of Daniel chapter 11. By 1954, the Watch Tower Society caught up with the correct identification of the 'kings' up to verse 19. Unfortunately, from there they are permanently stuck with incorrect identifications because they need the 'prophecy' to point to Jesus and then to 'our day'.
Back in reality, the story of the 'kings of the north and south' ends with Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
it is a new book, now available on their website in pdf, and it is basically an update to survival—into a new earth!
(1984), the book that convinced me to get baptized at age 12.. i'm not going to review the entire book here.. because matthew 28:18-20 specifies baptizing as part of the great commission, and because hebrews 6:1-2 lists the teaching on baptisms as among the primary doctrine about the christ, i intend to focus on the portion of the new publication that deals with baptism.. in chapter 16, on pages 178 and 179, paragraph 17 states:.
17 to survive the coming destruction, individuals need to prove their faith now.
It is a new book, now available on their Website in PDF, and it is basically an update to Survival—Into a New Earth! (1984), the book that convinced me to get baptized at age 12.
Though Survival briefly touches on Ezekiel chapter 9, that book only mentions Ezekiel a few times. Pure Worship is actually an update of the 1971 book “The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How?
I'm not going to review the entire book here.
A detailed review of the book is available here.
Because Matthew 28:18-20 specifies baptizing as part of the Great Commission, and because Hebrews 6:1-2 lists the teaching on baptisms as among the primary doctrine about the Christ, I intend to focus on the portion of the new publication that deals with baptism.
The focus on baptism in Pure Worship is a complete distortion of what the relevant part of Ezekiel actually says. In the 'vision' about 'marking' people for survival, the marking and the killing happens at the same time, with the 'man in linen' (i.e. a hypothetical priest) marking people for survival just ahead of the murderers, and they return to Ezekiel at the same time after completing the task. This completely contradicts the Watch Tower Society's interpretation that people 'must' be 'sighing and groaning' now in advance of a later destruction. Additionally, the claim in Pure Worship that 'sighing and groaning' about social conditions somehow means 'get baptised' is a complete misrepresentation of the 'vision' in Ezekiel, obviously intended to inspire a sense of 'urgency' among Witnesses as a recruitment technique.
when daniel was discussed in the cherished private home "book study", that was the slogan that had been coined:.
zenobia of palmyra, the queen, prettiest king of the south you have ver seen, sung to some ditty melody.
making, having fun then.
The Watchtower, May 2020, page 3:[Regarding Zenobia] J: quote please.
For the reason stated here, it no longer seems appropriate to list Roman Emperor Aurelian (270-275 C.E.) as a “king of the north” or Queen Zenobia (267-272 C.E.) as a “king of the south.” This updates what was published in chapters 13 and 14 of the book Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy!It's almost as if they know they're just making stuff up as they go along...