See Breeze:
The reason that you and I both subsribe to, use & have total faith in the laws of logic is because we both know
the God of the bible. (Romans 1: 18) We are all "without excuse". You
were made in his image same as I and use his inventions same as I do.
You know those laws don't change because God "changes not." He is the
source of your confidence in the truths we agree upon.
Sigh. No, irrelevant sophistry in a religious text does not trump what I know to be true about my own thoughts. š
What other conclusion could a thinking person come to?
A nonsensical question. Obviously, different individuals could hold any number of alternative real or imagined beliefs.
claim that an assumption of chaos, chance, and physicality can support
nonphysical, stable and complex conceptual truths from such a source. It
makes no sense.
Your worldview is inconsistent. And, that should matter to you.... logically speaking.
man. I made no such claim that "an assumption of chaos, chance, and
physicality can support
nonphysical, stable and complex conceptual truths from such a source" (though you also haven't demonstrated that such couldn't be the case, hence an argument from incredulity).
The expectation that I should have some alternative explanation
at all to 'compete' with your imaginary explanation is a false dichotomy, and at its core, also a fallacious appeal to pride.