More is being made of these changes than is actually the case.
The recent changes do single out people who conspire to end a marriage and child abusers along with apostates in regard to not quickly reinstating. However, it is only apostates who cannot be greeted or invited to meetings. (There is also a category of ‘encouraging wrong conduct’ that could apply to any type of sin but is not specifically identified with any particular type of sin.)
“Extended conversations” and socialising with any disfellowshipped individuals is still explicitly not permitted beyond inviting to meetings and brief greetings at meetings.
The frequency that elders might visit disfellowshipped individuals (excluding apostates) has increased from once a year to every few months (though it is unclear whether this happens in practice), but elders occasionally checking up on disfellowshipped people also is not new.
None of the changes mention disassociated people, including those who elders have decided had ‘dissociated by their actions’.